chapter 1; society and boys

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December 29th 2015

        Hello journal given to me, from my aunt!

My name is Kate and I am not the ordinary girl.

I'm not the girl that would wear makeup to fit into society, or the type of girl that has too much bare skin showing off in my outfit to impress boys.

 I don't do that kind of stuff.

Some question why I don't cover the acne on my face, but I simply just shake it off because I know that makeup could ruin my face and, let's say, make me age quicker than most people should.

In highschool, boys, or you could call immature pest, don't care about the girls that be themselves.

They care about those who cover their true self.

Those who wear makeup to cover imperfections, they call it.

But when I do walk by those girls that wear unneccasary accesories, I know that they are insecure on the inside.

They wear unneccasary clothing and accesories because they know that if they don't wear those type of stuff, they wouldn't fit in like the rest of the people in society are.

Society has pushed you to limit.

Where, you have to wear makeup, skin-showing clothing and all of that junk in order to fit in!

I don't understand how people could do such a thing to ruin their inner self.

To ruin their true beauty. The beauty that is not hidden.

But, because of the things you have to do/don't, I have no friends.

        I'm not sure if this journal stuff will be kept hidden, but I mean whatever.

Forget about that society and makeup thing I was talking about.

I want to talk about something that i've been keeping for a while. It's always been wanting to burst out of my mouth.

So here it is.

There is this one guy.

Yes I know!

I was talking about how guys are pest and all that.

But seriously though, this one guy.

Named Connor, could be the sweetest person you'll ever meet.

He is to die for! He's honest, loyal, anything you could ask for in a guy!

And trust me, if you've spent a day with him, you would just go crazy.

What I don't get is that all the sick popular girls always get up in his face.

It's sickening, watching this sweet, get harrassed by these girls. 


how did you guys like the first chapter; an introduction, you could call it

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Feb 03, 2015 ⏰

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