Kookie Eating Cookies

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About two months into dating Jungkook, there was one day that he came over because it was his day off. He was playing video games in my living room and I was baking cookies in the kitchen. I mixed the dry and wet ingredients as I hummed Euphoria. Suddenly, I felt something snake around my waist and smiled. Jungkook placed his head on my shoulder and kissed my cheek as he asked, "What are you doing baby?"

I didn't answer him, finished mixing the ingredients, and tore off a piece of cookie dough. I propelled it over my shoulder to where his mouth was. He ate the piece and hummed appreciatively. "You're making cookies for your Kookie?" he smiled, kissing my cheek again.

"Yep, how are they? And how many do you want? Will the boys want some too?" "I want 2 please, and I'm sure the boys will love your cookies,"

"Pass me the ice cream scooper please," I told Jungkook. He went over to the utensils drawer and took it out, but after placing it on the table, he grabbed a handful of flour and threw it at me! "YAH! JEON JUNGKOOK!" I flung more flour at him, and we started a flour fight! I threw flour at him, and he threw flour at me until we were both covered in white powder and I held up a hand in surrender. He yelled, "I WIN!" as I laughed and pouted.

"Aw, don't be mad baby," he smiled and pulled me in for a kiss. I turned my head away and pretended I was still mad at him even though I wasn't. He began tickling me and I doubled over laughing. "GET OFF JUNGKOOK!" but he didn't stop, and I eventually gave in and yelled, "OK, I'M NOT MAD AT YOU ANYMORE!" And he just smiled smugly. I laughed and hit his chest playfully. "Ouch baby, you hit hard," he said, rubbing his chest. "Can I have a kiss to make it better?" 

"Argh, fine," I said and pecked him on the cheek. "Hey! That's not a kiss!" he protested. "THIS is a kiss," He pulled me in and firmly pressed his lips to mine. I smiled, but then I heard the oven ring and pulled away. "The cookies are ready!"

We sat on the sofa, eating cookies. I took a picture of Jungkook eating his cookie and posted it with the caption 'Kookie eating cookies. Cannibalism at its finest.' We had gone public a few weeks ago, and ARMY had been very supportive. I grinned and bit into my cookie.

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