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Wintertime in Seoul is always cold, and that year was no different. Jungkook and I didn't want to have to go out in the cold to visit each other every day, and since I had more space than he had in the dorm, he moved in with me for the winter, although we would visit the boys around once a week.

We were on the way to visit them in the car, wearing matching black puffy jackets with fur trim. I was clasping a hand warmer in my hands, but Jungkook had forgotten his gloves at home, and his hands were freezing as they gripped the steering wheel. He suddenly took one of his hands off and grabbed my warm one. I put my other hand over his and brought it up to my mouth to breathe hot air onto it, trying to warm him up. He smiled. "Thanks, baby," but he was still freezing, so waited until we were at a traffic light, then took off my scarf and wrapped it around his neck. He squeezed my hand in thanks and leaned over to plant a kiss on my cheek. I flinched as his cold lips hit my skin.

When we finally arrived at the dorm, both of our teeth were chattering. We rung the doorbell and Jin Oppa came to the door, hustling us in like the mom he is. "Come in, come in! Don't just stand out there in the cold!" he fussed, wrapping me in a warm hug. "I made hot chocolate-- come!" We stepped inside and were immediately wrapped in warmth. I felt myself thaw as Jungkook removed my jacket for me and put an arm around me, grabbing my chin and pressing his now-warm lips to mine as we walked into the living room. 

"Hi, Y/N!" the rest of the boys said. Taehyung smiled and hugged me, then handed me two mugs of hot chocolate, and I passed one to Jungkook. I sipped it and was filled with sweet warmth. "Oppa, you make the best hot chocolate," He smiled and replied, "You should have more then!" The other boys immediately protested, "HEY! We ask for more and you don't give us any, and Y/N just has to complement it and you OFFER her some more? How is that fair!?" "Well, she was a lot more polite," I laughed at their theatrics. 

That night there was a temperature drop, so Jungkook and I stayed over at the dorm instead of taking the freezing car home. Jungkook lent me a shirt to wear to bed, and we watched a movie with the boys. I laid my head on his lap as he played with my hair, and I soon fell asleep.

The next morning, I woke up to Jungkook shaking my shoulder and calling my name. I rubbed my eyes and sat up, asking him what it was. "It's snowing, baby!" "REALLY?!" "Yes, really! Come one, get up!" "But it's cold," I snuggled back down into the warmth of the blankets. He peppered kisses all over my face in an attempt to fully wake me up. "Get off me," I laughed, turning my head to the side. "Then get up!" "Ok ok, I'm up! Where are my jacket and gloves? Do the boys have gloves you can borrow?" "Yes, I've got everything ready! Come on!" He pulled me out of bed, and I saw he had laid out an outfit for me: Black turtleneck (his), black jeans, black sweater, puffy jacket, black timberlands (his), and my gloves. "We're really going for the dark look today, aren't we?" I laughed and threw Jungkook out of the room so I could change. The turtle neck was way too big, so I rolled up the sleeve and rolled down the collar. I was stuffed like a snowman when I shuffled out of the room. Jungkook laughed and put a black beanie on my head.

He was already changed, so we went outside hand in hand, shivering as the cold air hit our faces. I let go of his hand and ran forwards, excited to see so much snow. I spun in a circle, enjoying the sound of snow crunching beneath my feet. I laid down on the ground and started making a snow angel. Jungkook laid beside me and started doing the same. As Jungkook closed his eyes in bliss, a mischievous idea came to my head. I slowly got up and grabbed a handful of snow. I yelled, "SNOWBALL FIGHT!" Jungkook quickly got up as I threw the snowball at him. "Oh, it's on," he smirked. We had a fun and wet day of snow.

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