Percy squints his eyes as he tries to make out the figure. As soon as he realizes what he's looking at his eyes widen the to the size of saucers. "Is that?" he trails off.

"Mhm. Our very own Mia Ashford is a demigod." Grover explains laughing at the shocked expression on his face.

"What? How?"

"Well Perce, when two people love each other very much-" Grover jokes but is cut off.

"I know that idiot." Percy says pushing him. "I mean who is she?"

They watch as Mia stands by herself in the middle of a clearing with ten targets in the shape of people lined up in a row. She takes a deep breath and gently pulls back the string as she lets her first arrow gracefully tear through the sky. Within the matter of a minute Mia has already put an arrow in the heart of every target.

They watch in awe as she walks up to her targets and pulls out the steel arrows with an emotionless look on her face.

"She's the daughter of Artemis, goddess of the hunt." Grover explains.

Percy's eyes widen as he continues to watch her line up her targets. "She's really good."

Grover scoffs, "She's exceptionally good. That girl may be extremely temperamental and filled with mommy issues but she never misses."

As if she can feel their stare, Mia turns around locking her eyes with Percy's. She smirks at him as she shoots him a sultry wink before turning back around but not before seeing the pink tint to his cheeks.

They continue to watch as she pulls back the bow string lining up her arrow. Right before she can let go they watch as her focus gets diverted to something else. They see her lower her arrow as she tilts her body to the side to acknowledge the person to her left. They watch the two girls in what seems to be a heated discussion from their body language. The two boys watch as the brunette girl huffs and walks away but not before receiving a middle finger from the blonde.

"What was that all about?" Percy wonders out loud.

"That's Annabeth Chase, daughter of Athena." Grover begins, "The two of them have always been at each others throats ever since we were kids. No one really knows why it's kind of a mystery. Some say Annabeth stole her boyfriend when they were kids while others think Mia accidentally shot her with an arrow. No ones ever really questioned it, it's just always been that way." he says shrugging his shoulders.

"Truthfully, I just stay out of it." Grover says slinging his arm over Percy's shoulder. "And as one of your protectors I advise you do the same. The last thing you want to do is get in the middle of those two."




"Fall in!"

Mia, dressed in red, watches from beside Chiron as the entire camp huddles together to play capture the flag.

"Percy, step forward." Chiron tells the young boy.

Percy locks eyes with Mia as he comes to stand next to her.

"This is Percy Jackson." Chiron announces as the camp erupts in whispers. "And he's gonna need a team."

From somewhere in the back Mia hears a familiar voice, "We'll take him."

Luke Castellan. The son of Hermes who just so happens to be in love with the daughter of Artemis.

Ever since they were kids Luke's had a crush on Mia. It's one sided of course but that doesn't stop him from trying any chance he gets.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2021 ⏰

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