The Despair Sisters

Start from the beginning

After discussing plans for a while, Jin let me leave and I looked at the time. 7 pm. Meaning I might have to hurry if I want to get to the student council room before the disaster happens in there. I ran down the paths of the underground area, leading me to the vents of the school building the council room is in. I climbed into the vent and crawled quickly, heading to the room. I made my way to the room, looking down through the grate in the ceiling. There was 2 people standing at the front of the room, they both wore teddy bear masks. One had a white mask, they stood at the front of the room speaking. The other wore a black mask, they were bringing in a cart filled with weapons and books. The one in the white mask introduced them as the despair sisters, then explained that she wanted everyone to kill each other. There was some dispute among the council until Kotomi stood up and declared that they would not be killing each other. The white masked one looked over at the one with a black mask, and suddenly time seemed to slow down for me, the black masked one was pulling out a gun from their pocket. I kicked down the grate, causing it to swing open as I landed between Kotomi and the one with the mask. The one wearing the mask shot, the bullet hitting me in the shoulder. They seemed surprised at my sudden appearance. I took the moment of surprise to kick the gun out of their hand before charging against them, knocking them back. The one in the white mask ran off, demanding the one in the black mask to deal with me. They charged at me, pulling a knife out of their sleeve and going to stab me. I moved so the knife was stabbed into the shoulder with a bullet wound, using the chance to headbutt them, dazing them as their mask covered over their eyes. They stepped back and went to adjust their mask, giving me the chance to sweep kick them down, get behind them and then pin them. They used a close quarter combat move to knock me off them. They ran off quickly, leaving behind the cart of weapons and books. 

I looked over at the people in the room, they all looked shocked, especially Kotomi who fell down onto her knees, terrified at the fact that she was almost shot. The others stared at me, until Aiko suddenly charged over to me, hugging me tightly. I winced slightly since there was still a knife and bullet wound in my shoulder. I looked down at her, feeling her shaking and crying. "calm down Aiko, your kind of hurting me" She sobbed lightly, holding me tightly still. I sighed and looked at the others in the room "What are you all standing there for. Call the security or someone. There are still 2 masked people on the loose out there!" Tomohiko took out his phone and called the school security while Ryota used the class phone to call the principal. Some went to check on Kotomi while the others still didn't move. I looked down at Aiko and pat her head gently "Aiko, its okay. you need to relax now" She looked up at me "y-your hurt.." I looked at the knife and bullet hole in my shoulder, the shirt was now dyed pink from my blood. I shrugged and looked at her "well, Its not that much of a problem at the moment, I can get patched up after everything here is calmed down. She nodded slowly and let go of the hug, grabbing onto my hand instead. I smiled slightly and looked over at Kotomi, She was still shaken up from the whole thing. I walked over to her, having Aiko let go of my hand. I kneeled down and looked into her eyes "you doing okay?" She looked at me, then at the shoulder that was dripping blood "w-why....." i stared at her "I need to make sure you are okay." "Why did you save me. I've been nothing but cruel to you. but you still...." I sighed and shook my head "I'm not someone who would let another get hurt just because they are rude. I'm the ultimate scapegoat. I exist to take the damage for others." she stared at me for a while before talking "you must be a massive idiot" I shrugged "Maybe I am, that's just who I am" 

The door to the room was suddenly opened, causing everyone to tense up. I looked over and saw Jin and Ms. Yukizoma there. The room was silent for a moment until Ms. Yukizoma saw me and let out a shriek "Y/n! Why is there a knife in your shoulder!" I sighed and stood up "I fought off the culprits, but they managed to escape." Jin looked at me "culprits?" I nodded "yeah, 2 of them, calling themselves the despair sisters." Jin frowned and looked at the cart of weapons "They must have a lot of connections or power in order to get all of this..." Yukizoma went over to me and looked at my shoulder "I-Is that a bullet wound too! " I sighed an looked at her "Don't worry about me right now, we need to make sure everything is fine here, then I can go to the infirmary to get patched up." She shook her head "no, you need to get medical attention now" I sighed and looked at Jin. Jin nodded at me and I sighed "alright, fine. I'll go patch myself up in the infirmary and then come back here." Ms. Yukizoma grabbed my arm "absolutely not! You are going to get help from a professional doctor." Jin spoke up "Chisa. he can get looked at by a doctor later, let him patch himself up for now. We need him to stay here at the academy" Ms. Yukizoma looks at him "but.." "The culprits are still out there. If they saw him out there alone they might go after him" Ms. Yukizoma nodded and looked down. I started walking out, until Aiko grabbed my hand again "i'm going with you" I looked at her and nodded "alright then." 

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