Leo groaned quietly when he heard multiple footsteps, estimating that there had to be over ten people looking for him now. "Someone's in here." The first man spoke, Leo's face scrunching up. "That's obvious, isn't it?" Leo whispered, hearing incoherent chatter. "So, they broke in and stole the kid? Why?" Leo heard a female asked, assuming the men shrugged as they didn't answer her. "We'll kill them as soon as we see them, then." Another female voice cut in, Leo's face dropping as he felt power surge in him. Leo crept around the corner to see the group all huddled together ahead of the door that Leo didn't see beforehand. "Hey!" The boy shouted, the group turning and shooting spells at Leo immediately, not recognising it as him. They all gasped when their spells suddenly stopped, flying back at them as they ran to the side, taking cover behind the rows.

"Cool..." Leo spoke as he looked down at his ring. "That was not a nice way to treat me! I'm supposed to be famous around here!" Leo shouted, the group looking back shocked as they saw him stood there. The boy smiled, feeling confident as he spread his arms wide, making a scene. "How are you alive?" A woman asked slowly, the group walking out of their hiding places. "Magic?" Leo asked sarcastically, all of them pointing their wands at him again. "There's no need-" "'Stupefy!'" One man chanted, Leo stopping the spell midair again as he looked disappointed in the group. "Wow..." Leo trailed off, sending the spell up towards the roof. "Just let me leave." Leo sighed, the woman shaking her head. "Afraid that's not going to happen, bud." She spoke sarcastically, Leo having a horrible idea. He scanned everyone, watching if any of them would let him go.

When no one moved, he sighed. "I regret doing this already, but, it really was your own fault. I gave you a chance." Leo spoke, his ring glowing as the team lowered their wands slowly. "What do you mean-" The man was cut off when Leo punched his ring at the group, a large light shooting towards them as it knocked them back towards the door. The door's flew off their hinges, alerting everyone above the Loft that something had happened. Leo gulped, trying not to look at all the people he had just killed and took a deep breathe, kissing the ring. "Thanks Mum." Leo whispered, wiping a tear away before panicking, hearing people run down to the scene. Leo looked at the ring, scanning it. "Fly!" The boy exclaimed, the ring creating the smoke again as it enveloped him, the boy flying up as the people watched him fly away.

Leo grunted when he flew through too many floors of the Ministry, the Ministers there screaming as he suddenly flew past up and out of the Ministry. The boy sighed, seeing light as he quickly got down, making sure Muggles didn't see. Leo stood on the roof of the Ministry, gulping as he looked down at the people walking below him. Leo seemed to consider jumping or not, shaking his head as he went to the edge where another building beside the Ministry. Leo looked towards his ring, making sure he was above the darkest part of the alley before whispering. "Fly." The boy spoke softly, the red surrounding him as he quickly flew down onto the ground. The boy sighed, pulling his hood up as he walked out of the alley, speeding through people on the street. The boy finally recognised where he was when he saw the famous Big Ben, sighing. Now, the boy just had to find out where Grimmauld Place was, not really remembering much as he was drunk the first time.

The wind blew the boy's hood down as he passed an old woman, the woman walking back. "Oh dear, are you alright?" The woman asked, cupping Leo's face reluctantly. He nodded sarcastically, the woman yelping when his cold hands grabbed hers, putting them back to her trolley. "Just ill." Leo spoke sarcastically, the woman scowling at him. "You're attitude will get you nowhere, boy. However, have this." Leo slowly took the packet of baby wipes. "Maybe that'll teach you to be nice to others." The woman spoke, patting his shoulder before walking away. Leo stared at the baby wipes as he heard the woman's trolley getting farther away, ignoring people's looks at him. Leo put his hood back up, walking the opposite direction before chucking the wipes into a nearby bin and walking away as he tried to look at people's newspapers.

"December 12th?" Leo asked a man, him jumping as he looked up. "Yeah, it's December 12th, 1996." Leo's head tilted, smiling up at the man. "Thank you so much." Leo thanked, walking away as the man shivered, looking back to his paper. Leo turned multiple corners, getting nowhere as he stopped suddenly, seeing the street sign he craved for.

Grimmauld Street.

Leo was quick to run around the corner, seeing the gate and the row of homes. "11, 13." Leo counted to himself, him sighing when he didn't know how to reveal his house. The boy knocked on the floor how he remembered Moody tap, which was not accurate at all. Unknown to Leo, Molly requested that they all go to the Burrow for Christmas, her dragging Sirius along stating that it wasn't healthy in his home for anyone, especially him. Now Leo looked like an idiot, aggressively knocking on the ground like a door was going to appear. The boy stood up, sighing as he felt for his wand. The boy panicked when he didn't feel it there, another thing he didn't know about. After his 'death', the Ministry gave Harry the boy's wand, knowing they were close.

Leo screamed in anger, the people who were watching from their windows flinching. The only answer was to go back to Surrey, Leo taking a deep breathe to calm himself down before he went to 11 Grimmauld Place, them acting like they haven't been watching him. The boy knocked on the door as he waited a while before a man opened it, smiling. His smile dropped when he saw the boy's face, opening the door fully so his wife can see. "Are you Okay?" She asked quickly, Leo nodding quickly. "Anyway, can you help me get to Surrey? Directions, I mean?" Leo asked, the woman nodding quickly as she ran in the house, getting a paper and pen. The two males stood awkwardly, Leo shuffling his feet with the snow. the woman ran back, Thank God, and gave Leo the paper. The boy looked at it and read over the directions, smiling softly. "Cheers." He spoke, the woman smiling.

"Your welcome, dear."


After a very stressful fly to Surrey, Leo landed himself on the roundabout in the park close to his house. His plan was to go to someone whom he missed dearly. Setting off as he looked for the man, he walked down the street they would've gone down. "Oi, bestie!" Leo turned around as he heard his best friend call for him. Howard cheered, the two running to each other. The two almost met in a hug before Howard saw Leo's face, gagging. "You look like death." Howard spoke, Leo shrugging. "Please give me a drink! I beg!" Leo fell to his knees as he pleaded, Howard pushing him over. "I get it! Jesus Christ!" Howard put three bottles of Vodka on the ground before sitting oppsite Leo as he got up. "I'm legal now, you know." Leo spoke, Howard cheering. "This can be your sweet 16!" Howard yelled, Leo laughing as he bit the lid off his drink.

"I taught you well, my boy."


And that's how the next two or so weeks were spent, getting black out drunk every night with the local homeless man. To Leo, this was wonderful and probably the best way he could get out of the Wizarding World. After that night, he forgot completely about what his Mother said to him, only remembering it on Christmas Day, when he was about to call it an early night after drinking with Howard, Four black smoked figures stopped him, soon to be three.

Thought I'd put my bday as the date cos why not lol

[2192 words!]

Hope you enjoyed!!!


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