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Hello everyone!

So, due to Christmas Break, everything sorta got screwed up, and half the members haven't completed their assignments. Please let me know if you would like to continue participating in Seasons Book Club. 

If you do not reply, you will be removed from the club, until you let me know you're ready to do your assignments again. If I get no reply after two weeks, you will be permanently removed from the club. 

If you would like to permanently or temporarily leave the club, please let me know about that too. The only difference between permanent and temporary is you will still be listed as a member of the club if you leave temporarily, whereas if you leave permanently, you will be removed from the member's list.

Furthermore, if you have changed your username, removed your old account that was a part of this club, or deleted your book, PLEASE TELL ME. It's really annoying when I have to search and figure out if the person still exists.

Additionally, don't delete your account just because you can't vote anymore - there is no such thing as a permanent cap on votes - you will not be stopped from voting for the rest of your account's life. There is simply a 100 votes per 24 hours cap. After 24 hours, you'll get your voting ability back.

Comment in-line right here, if you would like to participate in the next assignment ----------->

Comment in-line right here, if you would like to permanently leave the club ----------->

Comment in-line right here, if you would like to temporarily leave the club ----------->

Comment in-line right here, if you have any questions ----------->

Comment in-line right here, if you changed your username, deleted your account, or deleted your book ----------->

Thanks, guys, and Happy New Year!

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