A New Guardian: Guardian of mischief

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Tiny spots of black smoke were appearing on each state. 

"We need to put a stop to this, and fast," the Tooth Fairy sighed.

Ravin Breeze wished she could help them, but at this point all she wanted were her memories. She didn't have a side to pick. She figured the least she could do was pay her debts to the guardians for saving her from being succumbed by evil and darkness.

"We need to prepare for second battle. Pitch Black is back." North scratched his bearded chin.  

"You know what we should do?" said Ravin Breeze. "From the next week forward we train. Each guardian should have their own skill that they can share with the rest of us!  Like Jack and archery—"

"That's not actually a bad idea," said Jack.

"Let's do it." the Easter Bunny agreed.

Sandy summoned a thumbs up above his ahead.

With out a moments hesitation Ravin Breeze fell backwards then passed out unconscious on the couch. Jack flinched at the movement, as if on instinct he were to catch her like their first encounter. He found Tooth glaring right at him, her eyes as if to say 'Don't you dare' ... a jealous girlfriend was truly frightening. Who knew Tooth could be so scary? Jack sort of liked it

Training: Timetable
Sandy: Meditation
7 am

Tooth: Tai Chi
9 am

Bunny: Kickboxing
10 am

North: Wood chopping
12 pm

Jack Frost: Archery

Ravin Breeze: Dodgeball
4 pm

Everyday until doomsday

Ravin Breeze stared at the time table North had attached to the wall. "I feel as if i've been dragged right back to High School gym class." The word High School sort of rung a bell. Suddenly, her head began to feel slightly numb.

A head ache, now?

Ravin pressed a hand to her forehead. A memory resurfaced onto her mind. She saw lockers and hallways. She saw herself making her way home from school with a bag over her back. It was her senior year. She saw a house then a boy no older than five holding her hand. And that was it. Why did it stop? Ravin wanted to see more, who she was or had been.

"What's wrong?" asked a woman's voice. Ravin Breeze saw the Tooth Fairy hovering in front of her.

Could she tell her fellow guardian the truth? "Nothing. J-just recovering from passing out, i guess," Ravin said.

Tooth on the other hand had other ideas.

"I know you and Jack kissed." Tooth crossed her arms. Part of her wanted to make it clear: STAY AWAY FROM MY BOYFRIEND

"I can explain." Ravin told Tooth all about Pitch Black and Cupid's plan. Surprisingly Tooth didn't seem mad at all. As usual she was calm, understanding and chirpy. What Ravin left out was the fact that she felt she was developing feelings for Jack Frost herself.

. . .
"And THAT is how you roundhouse kick." The easter Bunny landed with a thump. He passed boxing gloves to each guardian.  "Partner up."

Tooth shoots her shot Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin