I stumbled forward.

His other worldly gaze tracked my nearness. His posture held back in hesitant shackles. Restrained.

Something in me longed for his approach. His nearness. His touch.

And my face twisted in a pained frown.

A chuckle escaped his lips. And my eyes closed shut. Feeling finally at home.

Ya Allah!

"I guess I'm supposed to live afterall." His worked slipped down my insides like a warm spring water. Effortlessly.

Beautifully. Like a medicine to my existence.

But what's this odd feeling of pain. It's not mine. But coming from him. My eyes eagerly found those midnight ones once again under the merciless neverending seams of the night sky.

My fingers raised towards his face. Unsure. Hovering midair.

"Whah-" I gulped back a huge lump of emotions,"what happened to y..." and my voice was gone. Just like that.

He tilted his head. His eyes digging even deeper into me." Death."

I gasped.

He blinked. And a lazy smile started to appear at the corners of that distorted heart.

" I asked God to either take my life or show me the way," he took my hand midair. Burning it all the way into blasphemy and granting it an entirely new life. And guided it to his heart. Another world in its own," and looks like I'm shown-" a heartbeat. And another. He lowered his face near enough to escort my craving to its peak," the way."

What do you mean..

I tried to speak but my lips only rejected puffs of low whisper. My heart reached out to him instead. He caught it in embrace.

"Faith," he started low as he leveled his gaze with mine," I wanna turn Muslim."

All the air was knocked out of me. The floor swept away from under my feet. And I saw the world go blur before me.

Million questions all at once.

What? How? Why?

What has he been going through all this time while I was gone!

Why does he sound like a whole new person standing in front of me?

Mature way past his age. As if he had walked an eternity and back in the short span of time.

As if he aged 20 years more in past few months.


His eyes lit up all of a sudden,"Oh my silly goose!"

And I was pulled into a vigorous bear hug. Swept off my feet. Taking all of my weight on him, he bent backwards.

I giggled. In like forever.

And then came his laughter. Surprising the both of us. Steeling my breath away.

My ears perked up in a beautiful rhythm of his heartbeat against my cheek.

And I felt the life accept me finally.

And I accepted it back. Fully.

There I felt. This incredible energy surging inside of me. Familiar. But entirely new. Refreshing. And I knew I was complete.

Right against this amazing man.

No questions were needed to be asked at this point. No more answers needed. No queries to be made.

We were already where we were supposed to be.

We were in heaven.

God I love this man!

"I love you, king!" Words slipped out of my lips before I could stop them. In a muffle against his warm chest. A whisper to his heart in secrecy. Meant for him and only him.

His heart heard the whisper and his wild heartbeats answered it.

And the next moment his knees buckled up and his grip loosened around me, letting my body slip away from his hold. He flopped down in front of me.

His eyes never leaving mine.

Something passed in those mysterious orbs. Spreading with a blast. The sparkles flew in all directions until the untamed joy took over his vision.

He looked up at me with adoration. Acceptance in them wrapped around me like a warm shawl.

And there I saw. All the curtains falling. All the shadows disappearing. All the defenses ripped right off until I could see that vulnerability in his now unbelievably soft eyes.

I was never used to seeing him this way. Those eyes this open. This welcoming.

A tear trickled down those handsome Pearls of my night angel.

And my heart melted away like a pure snow of December.

He tilted his head further back to have a good look at me. Unblinking. As if he couldn't feel the tear.

I reached out and and my fingers chased away his tear. His eyes shut down in peace. Emanating through every fibre of his being.

"Thank you." His sweet nothingness caressed against my senses.

Taking my hand he lowered me down until I was sitting right in front of him. Under a warm bubble of his scrutiny. Safe.

"I want you to convert me right this instant." A sudden urgency in his provoke.

My eyebrows furrowed.

Squeezing my hand, he closed up a breath,"I can't hold myself back anymore, Faith. I wanna see you looking at me as your husband for once." His sleek words stroked away the cold flush from my skin.

And I felt my face burning in embarrassment. Stealing my eyes away, I looked around at the dmiky lit dorm rooms behind the thick folds of curtains.

Fingers prodded at my chin, guiding me right back to that old intensity once again behind that hawk like gaze,"don't keep your hubby waiting for long, you idiot."

His face contorted into a mischievous sprinkle of smile and he shook his head. As if sharing a secret joke with himself.

"But-" I breathed out a stutter. Not ready to speak already."you need to go to imam in mosque and convert in his hand-"

He held his delicate finger against my lip, cutting off my speech entirely.

"Shush," he added,"I wanna convert in your hands." His voice teased but his eyes held sincerity. Finality.


Next chapter is going to be the final one.

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