Chapter 28, New Plan

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~Harper's POV~
I walked beside Raven, watching around. I started to think: Ever since he got back from that hellhole that's Old San Francisco he's been surprisingly more loose. Not your standard squad leader. I grew up in a family that had close relations with EDTF military so I knew plenty about how they do things. Raven wasn't like that. Squad leaders relied on their squad, but Raven, he could make do on his own for the most part. He could do things in 24 Minutes what EDTF Rangers can't do in 24 hours. The way he could get things done and be so, to put it lightly, childish, was beyond me. I snapped out of my thoughts when I saw the small EDTF outpost. We entered through the gate and a medic instantly ran up to me. Waving a medical scanner. "Excuse me ma'am? You seemed to have a few minor injuries. Come to med bay and we'll get you fixed up." I looked at him. "Whe-" I stopped myself. Oh right, I can't feel physical pain. Guess it's kinda useful. I looked at Raven and waved to him before following the medic to med bay.

~Raven's POV~
I watched as Harper followed the medic. I was distracted when someone tapped my shoulder. "You may wanna see this." It was Marco. I followed him to the barracks. I looked at him, wondering what he needed. He said something that shocked me. "Sophie's IFF Beacon just lit up two hours ago. It says she's in healthy condition. Where it's located has a lot of black zones, so anything involving communication is kinda sketchy there." I stood up from my standing position "Where?" Marco said. "Somewhere in 21st century Maine. Currently it's unexplored enemy territory and no one know's what's there." I needed to find her. I needed to get her back. I don't leave anyone behind. I started to pack up my gear. "Let's get to Alpha 4 with the rest of the squad. I'll take Rose and Tyler with me to check it out and Diana will be in command." Marco nodded. "I already knew we were done here. Curtis and Ty are already on their way there from hitting another stronghold. Same with Connor and Sapphire." I wasn't passing up another chance to get her back. I wouldn't miss this time. "Good." Is all I could say before heading to the helipad. A Transport VTOL was already being prepared. I sat down on a crate and waited for Harper to finish up in med bay. If anything advanced the most from the 21st century, before the war, it was Medical Care. I only had to wait a few hours before Harper walked over and got into the VTOL. "I'll be better in no time. Let's get out of this godforsaken hell called Brazil." I got up and followed her. Taking a seat on the VTOL. To be honest, I always had a fear of heights. Yes I rode a dragon, hung from a rope ladder, and drove a motorcycle off a cliff but I'm not even going to lie. Inside I was terrified, but I got it done. The thing is though: when I encounter Zera, Fear paralyzes me. Physically and mentally. I shut down like a flashlight with dead batteries. I knew fighting her would be a tough challenge, tougher than that last fight, because if I freeze up, I'm done for. I don't know why I stop like that but I need to figure out how to compensate for it, and make sure it doesn't happen. I felt the VTOL start to take off, which sent a chill down my spine. Harper looked at Marco. "You doing okay?" Marco just looked at her, it was hard to tell his facial expression due to his helmet. "I fucking hate flying." Harper just pat him on the back. "Hey, at least you didn't have to fly on the back of a dragon like Raven did." Marco shook his head. "Nuh uh that's never happening. Not once in my life will that happen. Anyways, while we're on the flight, how'd you survive that fall again Raven?" I was stunned by the question. I guess I could explain. "I was saved. By Cyrene." Marco tilted his head. "The dragon lady?" I nodded. Marco nodded. "How'd she fix your wounds, if you had any..." I replied with. "She didn't. A friend of hers did." Marco asked "Aaaand who is this friend?" I shook my head. "Never got his name." I decided I'd keep Derrick a secret for now. Marco tends to do too much research on things. Marco nodded. "Anything else?" I shook my head. "You know the rest, I find the rangers, get them to safety, get captured, fight in an arena, wake up in San Fransisco, and Arrived at Alpha 4." Marco sighed. "Captured twice. It's still hard to believe the dark forces want you of all people alive. They could kidnap the brass and hold them hostage in exchange for a surrender or some crazy shit. And you know if we surrender, it's game over. Death. End of the line. Last page in our book." I nodded. "It's difficult yes but it's happened." Marco sighed. "And what's up with that dog? It's a wolf dog. Strangely though he's really smart." I replied with "I realize that. No idea why he's as smart as he is." Marco looked left then right. "It's an unnatural amount of intelligence for a dog. You should keep an eye on him." I narrowed my eyes. "Ghost was all I had in San Francisco." Marco raised his hands. "Jeez okay okay I hit a nerve sorry. I'll back off." I looked at Harper, who was reading a book. I laid my head back, might as well rest on the ride back to Alpha 4. It's a long ride. The possibility of Sophie being alive kept me restless though, so I just stared out of the VTOL window into the night sky, despite my fear of heights. Though when the sun began to rise again I passed out, I likely wouldn't wake up until near the end of the ride.

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