Chapter Six

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"Jack?! What do you mean CAS IS GONE?!" Dean was furious.

Sam whipped his head at Dean. "Stop Dean, this isn't Jack's fault."

Dean slammed his book shut. "I don't CARE whose fault it is! We just got his feathered ass to start healing and now he's GONE?!"

Jack immediately wanted to fix it. "I'll look for him. I've been practicing my powers anyway!"

Dean softened. "Yes. Sure, that works." He walked off in a huff. He left his coffee and his research. He wanted to punch something.

Sam sighed, tired of his brother's behaviour.

It only took Jack a few minutes of concentration to find Castiel. He was in an abandoned warehouse covered in warding.

Sam went to go get Dean, and all three of them started the drive to Missouri.

As Dean drove, he prayed to Cas. He prayed the angel was alive. He begged for it.

Cas was coming in and out of consciousness. Unbelievable pain tore through his back and wings. In front of him he could make out two angels.

His arms were strapped above him, and he was almost hanging. His feet brushed the ground softly.

He could feel something trickling down his arms and back. He assumed this was blood.

Cas hazily groaned and moved his head. One of the angels in front of him laughed. "Morning, sunshine."

More pain spread across his back. He wasn't wearing a shirt, and his navy pants were caked in blood. Castiel's vision was much worse in one eye, and it was hard to make out shapes. He made the observation he had been here more than 24 hours.

As each part of his vessel screamed, he still felt there was ups and down to feeling everything. At least they didn't cut anything off.

One of the angels struck him hard across the face. "Alright Castiel." His words were filled with hate. "Let's do this again. How did you get your wings to show up?"

Cas could barely make out what he had said. He knew the effects of heavens persuasion, but nothing compared to the pain he was feeling on his back.

"...w-witch.." he felt blood spill out of his mouth. When he looked down there was a pool of it below him.

The same angel as before laughed again. "We're doing this until you give us the truth. Although, it looks like you're hanging on by a string." He paced, thinking. "You're wings could still go with more scars, don't you think?"

Cas moaned, unsuccessfully trying to get them to stop. The angel pressed his blade against Castiel's stomach. "That doesn't sound like an answer."

Cas didn't have the energy to give them what they want. He hung his head, wishing for Dean.

His brothers didn't like this. The previously quiet angel stepped behind him and cut his blade through Cas's left wing.

Electric pain rippled throughout him. He threw his head back, screaming, before falling unconscious once again.

Everything Cas remembered after that was blurred.

More pain



A boom?

More voices


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