Chapter Five

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Sam instantly went to go tell Jack and Dean what Cas had told him. He wanted to give Cas some space anyway.

His wings were very sensitive and any time they bumped into something he would wince.

Dean and Sam decided to give Cas his space while they researched the case. They weren't very good with emotional support. Dean awkwardly asked how he was doing in the kitchen, but fast walked out after Cas had givin him a death stare.

On this particular day, Castiel was desperate to spend some time out of the bunker. Everyone was uncomfortable with him going where people could see him, so he had no choice but to go on small walks at night.

He walked out of the garage, and headed toward the forest. The silhouettes of mountains hovered a few miles away.

He only made it 10 minutes before taking a break. He constantly worried that his wings were going to hit trees, or he would injure himself. Each step he was worried about vulnerability.

Castiel squatted down on the cold dirt and looked at the stars. As much as he loved being with the Winchesters, he often longed to be back with his brothers and sisters, dancing with the stars and not having this weight on his shoulders.

He was isolated. No angel had ever fallen this far, and this hard.

The cold air whipped his cheeks. It caressed each of his feathers, giving him a few seconds of calm.

He missed the days where his wings helped him soar instead of dragging him closer toward the ground. He felt like Icarus, free will was the sun and he had paid the price of flying to close.

His thoughts were soon interrupted. "Castiel?" The familiar voice of Hannah rung in his ears. He immediately stood up and grasped his angel blade in his right palm.


Hannah smiled at him. He noticed that she had no angel blade. Her suit had some blood on the left cuff. Before he could recognize what kind of blood, she took a step closer to him.

"We have work for you, Castiel."

Dean woke up at 8.
He walked into the kitchen, grabbing his coffee then went to join Sam in the library to help with the case.

He sat down next to Sam and grabbed one of the books from his stack.

"Where's Cas?" Dean asked, hoping that his brother had gotten some word from the angel.

Sam slurped down the rest of his coffee. "Haven't seen him since yesterday night. He's probably in his room." Dean silently nodded in response.

They only got 30 minutes of research done before Jack walked in to join them.
"Hey...Where's Cas?" He echoed Dean's question.

Dean responded without looking up. "In his room or something."

Jack furrowed his eyebrows in concentration. "No... Castiel isn't in the bunker.. or near it.."

This caused both Winchesters to look up from their books. Deans anxiety was back in a flash.

"Wait... what?"

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