Chapter One

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Feel free to give me any constructive criticism, I am always trying to improve my work.
Thanks! :)

Sam and Dean were drinking coffee at the map-table when they heard a flutter of wings.

Deans eyes looked toward the sound. Jack and Cas appeared on the ground, and although Jack looked clean, Castiel was covered in blood. His inky black wings cascaded over the ground in full view.

Jack was knelt to the side of Cas, supporting his head and upper back up and off the tile. Deans horrified face notices the blood slowly pooling around the two men.

"The hunt went wrong." Jack croaked. He looked tired and weary, like he had been trying to fix whatever happened to Cas.

Deans anger started to rise, him and Sam rushed over to the hurt angel.

"I'll grab the emergency kit." Sam ran off in a flash.

Dean and Jack slowly carried Cas onto the table, getting blood all over everything. Dean stepped back when Cas was fully on the table, he saw his wings spilling off it.

"What happened?" His words came out harsh as he suppressed the urge to yell.
Every time Cas gets hurt it brings him immense anxiety and frustration.

"Witches." Jack replied, sounding miserable. "I tried healing him but nothing happened. I'm afraid if I use them again it might harm him more..... I'm so sorry Dean."

Dean couldn't take it any more. His anger boiled over. "WHY DIDN'T YOU KEEP AND EYE ON HIM?!" Dean looked Jack in the eye for the first time since he'd appeared on the floor. "YOU'RE THE ONE WITH THE GOD POWER."

"Dean that's enough." Sam's voice silenced the room. "Mistakes happen on hunts all the time."

"Ya well this mistake turned him into a 'shining' victim." Dean grabbed the emergency kit and cloths from Sam's hands. They both immediately started wiping him down.

"Jack, why can we see his wings?" Sam addressed the elephant in the room.

"I don't know. We had a pretty nasty fight with the witch. She muttered a bunch of words, then threw some stuff on him. There was this burst of light, and suddenly his wings were in full view, and he was covered in his own blood." Jack looked on the verge of tears.

Dean and put his head in his hands. "What are we going to do."

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