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louis wouldn't stop sobbing even when harry asked him what was wrong over and over again. "lou baby talk to me what's wrong?" harry pleaded because he was now scared he had done something.

when he found a place to pull over as soon as possible, so then louis could have all his attention. "c'mon angel i can't help you if you don't tell me what's wrong" harry tried once more while brushing louis hair out of his face.

when louis tried to speak it was over taken by his sobs. "i-i-i nee go pee pee an i big boy so i wait but when loulou fell sweepy he wuined his dwess and hazzies car" louis stuttered out in between sobs.

harry realised he was right about louis being a little and was more then happy to be there for him. "aw baby it's okay, everyone has accidents it's okay" harry tried his best to soothe louis but it wasn't working.

"we are only 5 minutes away from your house okay so can you be a big boy for me and hold on until we get there and then we can get you cleaned up love" harry said softly as he brushed louis hair out of his face and wiped his tears. louis just nooded not wanting to talk anymore.

"okay angel you can hold my hand while we drive home" which louis agreed too easily.

when they pulled up to louis house harry jumped out and rushed over to the passenger side of the car where louis was curled up in a ball still bawling his eyes out.

harry sighed at the now clearly very exhausted louis. he picked the little boy up and louis immediately koala hugged harry and cried into his shoulder. harry didn't mind at all and walked up to the front door praying niall was still there.

he knocked on the door softly not to startle louis, the door swung open and harry guessed niall heard louis cries form outside.

"what the hell did you do it him!?" niall yelled "i had one rule and that was do not hurt him!." harry rolled his eyes because now louis was crying harder because niall wasn't letting him get two words into to explain the situation.

"niall calm down i didn't do anything he had an accident in the car and i'm gonna take a wild guess he is in a little space right now that i had no idea about until 5 minutes ago!" harry was getting upset because he would never do anything to hurt the precious boy that was crying helplessly in his arms and not letting go when niall tired to take him.

"oh my god mate i'm so sorry! but when you see a crying louis in someone's hands he only just met you'd understand why i would freak out" niall apologised quickly.

"don't worry it's okay, i would be more than happy to clean him up but i also don't want to if it will make him uncomfortable when he comes out of it" harry explained.

"it's okay i'll take him i don't know how he will feel if you do it" niall tried again to get louis off harry but he wouldn't budge.

"well someone's being very fussy isn't he" niall laughed "follow me harry you can just come with us" harry smiled and followed niall up the stairs.

when they walked into louis room harry's heart may of just burst because he has never seen a cuter room and he can just imainge louis in it.

"c'mon lou let go of harry, we gotta get you cleaned up love" niall said softly rubbing louis back. "nu!" louis cried. "i'll go turn the bath on and put all your favourite toys in okay?" niall tired again. "fwine" louis sniffled out looking up at harry with his big blue watery eyes "hazzie stay?" he pouted. "yes angel hazzie will stay" harry smiled. louis face lit up and gave harry a big smile.

"okay bubs your bath is ready can you be a good boy and let go of haz so we can get your all clean" niall asked softly. louis looked at niall then and harry and back to niall who then he nooded at let niall take him out of harry's arms with a bit of protest.

harry followed them into the bathroom and sat down on the closed toilet seat watching as niall undressed louis but looking away when niall took off louis underwear not wanting to making louis uncomfortable. then watched as niall put him in the bath.

harry smiled fondly as louis giggled and splashed the water with his tiny hands. and played with his rubber ducky when niall washed his hair for him.

once his bath was over and louis was wrapped up in his elephant towel niall picked him up but louis wasn't having it and whined making grabby hands for harry which obviously harry couldn't say no to. 

he took the small boy out of nialls hands and set him on his hip following niall to where louis changing table was. he layed squirming louis down who didn't want harry to let go of him. but harry didn't want the boy to have another accident so he just grabbed the first teddy he saw and lucky for him it was mr elie and louis was happy again.

"hey do you wanna get his pj's while i put this on him?" niall asked "yeah sure where are they?" harry asked with a big grin on his face "over there" niall pointed to a pink dresser in the corner of the room "that whole thing is pyjamas good luck choosing" niall laughed as harry walked over and opened the draws.

first he found a pair of pink shorts that had little angles all over them and harry immediately was set on them and then he picked out a plain white top which matched with the white of the angles on the shorts. he closed all the draws and walked back over to where louis was laying down adorably with a pink nappy on playing with mr elie.

harry held the jamies up for louis to look at "do you like them angel" harry questioned. louis looked at them and starting nodding his head furiously and clapping his hands which both harry and niall cooed at.

once louis was all ready for bed harry decide to tuck him into bed and come back tomorrow to talk to louis about everything which niall agreed to and said he would take louis out of his space in the morning.

once louis finally gave in and went to sleep in harry's arms while drinking from his baba harry moved him carefully back onto his bed, kissed his check and left the room silently.

harry spoke to niall about when to come over tomorrow and they decided on 10am so niall could get him up and ready and explain what happened before harry came over.

they both said goodnight to eachother and harry went on his way home and not that he would admit it but he couldn't stop smiling because he may of found the most perfect little boy ever.
eeeee that was kinda cute 🥰

i think i'm just gonna make every chapter this legnth when i update which hopefully will be as regularly as possible but i have work so i'm a bit lazy

hope you guys like the story if you have any feedback lmk——>

love you all have a good day <3

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