Scarlett aunty put the red water in very big dish and put it on floor!

I smiled and looked at all those !

Once it was unwillingly without smiles but today everything is willingly with smiles!

I stepped into the dish holding my lehenga up and stepped out on the white sheets printing them!

I was stepping ahead when suddenly my leg fumbled with the lehenga and I was about to fall when Abeer pulled me on him ! 

"Oh God!! Meera! Are you okay" Mom asked concerned and I nodded still looking at Abeer!

"Careful Meera! You would've fallen right now" Abeer said while I was still looking into his eyes !
"History repeats itself for sure" dad told and I looked at him !

Exactly!History repeated itself at the same place! The difference is just that this time he spoke and that time he didn't !

Abeer held my hand in his so that I don't trip anymore!

How much I love hik when he don't speak still his actions speak!!

"Children! Now go and take rest! We'll send your breakfast in the room only! And Meera! Change into something comfortable then this okay" Mom said and I nodded!

We went to the lift and came to our room!
  "You go and change" He said and was about to leave when I grabbed his hand!

He's angry on me and now he's avoiding me like plaque!

"You're avoiding me" I whispered as my voice was to crack and he looked at me.
"No Meera! Nothing is like that! Don't think anything like this!"He sighed
"Then why aren't you talking to me since you woke up! " I asked frowning and he cupped my cheeks!
"I'm sorry! But I couldn't Meera! I...I'm feeling guilty! I'm trying hard to not remember that all but I'm not able to" He whispered as a tear escaped his eye.

Arrghh!! I hate when he cries due to this same guilt!!

"Abeer! Are you mad! What's to cry in this! And you know what I am so so much happy that all that happened and you behaved like a  jerk with me" I said wiping his tears and he glared me!
  "That wasn't joke Meera" He warned and I smacked his head lightly!
"Yes that wasn't but you know I'm happy that all that happened because each event which took place in our life has told us some or the other thing Abeer! I'm happy that you were always you from start till end! You showed what you felt at that moment and I fell for this man who is able to show his all the emotions without hesitation! Your love,care,pampering is making me forget all this then ain't my love strong enough that you can forget all that replacing it with happy memories" I asked and he looked at me hugging me!
"Your love is strong enough to let me do anything in this world! I'll try!" He said and I wrapped my arms around him raising to his height and kissed his forehead!

"Happy married life husband" I whispered in his ears and he smiled carrying me in his arms in walk in!

"Abeeer!! I've to change! Put me down!" I said and he smirked!!

So here now Abeer Malhotra is back!!

" Then change!" He said putting me down and I blushed trying to push him but Hulk didn't even buldge!

He smirked nearing me and I smiled looking down stepping back when my back hit the wall !

"No ways to run away my newly wedded bride" he whispered in my ear and I closed my eyes!
"Now you listen my sweet bride the two new rules."He was saying crossing his hands on his chest.
"Yeah! I'll listen.."I was saying trying to run away when he ended the thin gap too which was between us!
"Two rules" he said an I smiled looking away! 

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