Camila came over and touched some of my hair too. She made the exact same face.

"Her hair is so nappy and dry," whispered Bianca.

"I know right," whispered Camila.

I wanted to ignore them, but I was starting to get angry. If I keep that anger bottled up. I will probably do something really bad.

"I can hear you," I sighed.

They made awkward smiles.

"My hair isn't nappy," I insisted.

"Black people always have the most disgusting hair," laughed Bianca as she whispered.

"What is your problem!" I shouted as I stood up.

"Just stating facts," smiled Bianca.

"No its not a fact," I sighed.

"Every black person I have known has disgusting hair," insisted Bianca.

"Your ignorant," I said.

"Shut up!" shouted Bianca.

I rolled my eyes. I grabbed my bag and tried to left.

However, Camila grabbed my arm and begged,"Don't go."

"So your going to be racist to me. Than expect me to stay and be okay with it," I said.

"I'm not racist!" shouted Bianca.

"Keep telling yourself those lies," I sighed.

"Well your not leaving," said Bianca.

"You can't stop me," I said.

She pulled out her phone. She showed me a picture of me and Matt kissing.

"Leave and I'll send this to the whole school," She smirked.

I can't believe she was there. I wonder if Matt told her to come to spy on us.

Without saying anything I sat back down on the floor frowning with my head down.

"So what should we do nice?" asked Camila smiling.

"Lets play truth or dare," smiled Bianca.

I really didn't want to play truth or dare. I've actually played before. It never ends well, but it looks like I don't really have a choice.

"Wait, how about we play the version we made up," suggested Camila smiling.

Bianca smirked at me and than said,"Perfect."

"Come on Naomi sit closer to us," insisted Bianca.

I didn't move. So, they moved closer to me. I kept my head down. I didn't want to speak or even look at them.

"This version of truth and dare is actually called truth or punishment," said Bianca.

"You get asked a question. If you choose not to answer it, you get punished," added Camila.

"Lets start with Naomi," smirked Bianca.

Of course, they would start with me. I looked up.

"Why did you kiss my brother?" She asked.

"Um, he kissed me first," I said.

"That's not the right answer," stated Bianca.

"It is. Its my truth," I said.

"Ugh, whatever. Your turn," said Bianca rolling her eyes.

"What does Leah have on you?" I asked with a small smirk.

The Possessed  MermaidWhere stories live. Discover now