The rewrite!

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Hey guys!! It's nice to see you guys again :) I hope everyone had a wonderful christmas! You guys remember how I asked if I should write a rewrite to this book? Welllll I am!! It's in the works right now~ Expect at least the prologue to be out on new years! I am already done writing the prologue and now I am working on chapter 1! I'm not sure if I will finish chapter 1 by new years so thats not a promise but if not I at least have the prologue done~ I care more about the quality on the chapters then how slow it takes for me to update haha.. I will post a update when I publish the book! I am really excited to rewrite this!! If you guys want, feel free to take a visit at that book when it is published~ For those who will read it.. keep a look out for it on new years! Alright.. Have a good holiday guys!! bye bye~

heres a smol preview of the prologue :) Feel free to read or wait till the book comes out!

 "Y/N.. sweetie, please remember to always keep looking up at the sun. It will guide you the right places. Don't let anyone change you.. My sweet sweet child."

" Where am I?"

 "I-I asked who you were! Answer m-my question!"

 ",He doesn't really enjoy people knowing where this is"

"Thank you..."

Hehe! this little preview included what some of the characters have said in the prologue!

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