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Chapter three -

"Hi, Dylan. I'm Nova-wait-uh-I just said that uh sorry," I stutter.

"You're cute," he laughs.

He did not just utter those words. Did he just say I'm cute?

My brain shut off and I didn't know what to say. I stood there and looked at him, confused.

"Okay, I have to go my mother is waiting," I quickly turn around and I'm ready to run to my mom when he stops me.

"Wait, you didn't accept my offer yet,"

I furrowed my eyebrows.

"What?" I answer.

"The drive in? I asked you and you never said yes,"

"Do you have a fever boy? Do you see me?"

"What's wrong with you?" He asks. I start to think he genuinely is color blind.

"Me and you can't go on dates and go on holding hands in public. Do you know what the town will think? Besides, I hardly know you. I can't just be going anywhere with anybody," the words hurt to say. As soon as they leave my tongue I wanted to take them back.

I liked this boy. He was handsome and interesting.

But we just couldn't happen. I don't want to risk anything by being seen with him.

"Oh," he sighs, "you're talking about your color."

"Why yes! Bingo! You got it!" I say sarcastically.

"Well you're right, we would be the talk of the town if we're seen together. I mean, how often do you see a white boy and a black girl together, holding hands," Dylan says.

"Now you're starting to make sense,"

"I guess we'll have to find a way to hold hands in private," he smiles.

"You're thinking of something," I say.

"I sure am, and you're gonna love it,"


That night I changed into pants and my worn out black converse. I grabbed a bookbag filled with candies and bottles of water knowing I didn't want to pay for food at the theatre.

I was tying my shoes when I heard something knock against my window. I looked out of it and to my delight it was Dylan.

"You still coming?" He yells up.

"Shh! I'll be right down," I throw my bag out the window and it lands safely on the ground.

"Be careful, Nova!" He yells.

"I'm fine!" I carefully grab ahold of a branch nearby and climb down.

"Hey there, spider monkey," he jokes when I land.

"I hope this plan of yours works," I say walking towards his car.

"It'll work,"


We arrive at the drive in and he grabs a speaker then hangs it inside.

"I brought some snacks," I said.

"Great, I didn't feel like getting out anyway,"

I pass him some Zagnuts, Licorice, and Jujubes.

"Ah, yes! You brought the good stuff" he chuckles.

"So tell me how you managed to keep this place empty on a Saturday night," I ask.

"Oh, well I just made this grand master plan. It was unbelievable how my brain came up with this brilliant idea. It came to me in a dream actually. My idea was-get this-hanging up the 'closed' sign," he starts to laugh uncontrollably and I join him almost as if his laugh was contagious.

"You're funny," I say.

"Really? I always thought I was the serious type," he said while sticking two licorice up his nose and crossing his eyes which causes me to erupt in laughter.

"Okay, okay shh," I say waving my hands in his face "it's starting."

"Hey, don't shush me," he replies.

"Dylan, I can't hear," I playfully whine.

"My name sounds nice coming off your tongue," he smiles


"Yes, lovely,"

"Shut the hell up," I laugh.


Halfway through the movie I start to shiver.

"Did it suddenly get really cold?" I say.

"Darnitt, I didn't bring blankets," Dylan says while searching throughout his car.

"It's fine, I brought one," I smile then reach into my bag to bring out a large blue blanket.

"I like a girl who's prepared," he winks and I swear I felt my heart slide up to my throat because all of a sudden it was hard to swallow.

It's crazy what nervousness does to me.

He spreads out the blanket then wraps himself into it.

"Hey! I'm still cold," I whine.

"Come here," he instructs.

I slide over to him and kick my shoes off. Then I bring my knees up to my chest while laying my head on his chest. Dylan lays his hand on my lower back and I jump at his touch.

"I'm not gonna bite you girl," he says.

"I know,"

I snuggle next to him and I'm not hardly focused on the movie anymore.

"I've never done anything like this," I mumble.

"We should do it again," he whispers in my ear which results in the hairs on my neck to stand up.

I was happy. Having him so close to me made me feel like I was in heaven. Is this what total bliss feels like?

"I'd love to,"



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