'It was supposed to be a surprise for Yejun! Beside tone it down, people are looking at you.'

He waved his hand. 'I don't care. If you wouldn't become a ghost, the money would be gone.'

'Yeah, but that's the reason why I'm here. Now go there, I've already told you the code.'

Young Saeng shook his head and approached the lockers, opening the desirable one. Inside was a book, as well a card and some documents stamped with banks logo. It was neatly packed in transparent foil. He took it out and showed to Aeri. She nodded, as this was the thing they came there for.

They proceeded to walk, but suddenly she stopped. 'What?' Asked Young Saeng, as he barely noticed it. She wasn't making any noise, when she was walking.

'Inside should be some blank sheet, check.'

He raised one of his brows, but still looked inside. 'Yeah, there is.'

'Do you have a pen?'

Young Saeng patted himself. 'No...'

They looked around. They noticed some kiosk, he went inside and borrowed some writing tool from seller there. 'I expect you want me to write something. What it is?'

'Letter for Yejun.'

'Oh, no way!' He started to walk back to the stall to return the pen. Suddenly Aeri materialized in front of him, causing loss of Young Saeng cool.

'I can't write it myself.' She had very demanding, sonorous tone, even though only he could hear her.

'But... It's going to be personal!'

'I don't care. You have to do it.'

'How weird it's going to have the letter, written in style of his late sister, and the documents for the account delivered by me!' He tried to justify himself, but every word was like water off duck's back.

'I doubt he's going to be there. He stayed with Jisoo, shutting himself totally. We'll leave it in the mail box, that's it.'

'Oh...' He sat on the concrete, again gaining the attention of everybody around. The seller was watching the whole scene, clearly not believing his ears. 'Tell me what to write.'

As Young Saeng wrote everything down, he went to return the pen, but the man said he didn't want it – he was afraid of the weird man talking to himself. They hit the road.


Young Saeng left the letter and documents in mailbox, took a deep breath and walked down the stairs. Aeri was waiting beside the entry.

'You've done it?'


She bit her lip. 'Great.'

He scratched back of his head, not knowing what to say. Some words where stuck back his throat. 'So... that means you will go?'

She nodded. 'Yes.'

He decided to be honest with himself, as he didn't want to let her go. 'Do you have to?'

'I have to.'

'It's just much calmer with you around...'

She sighed. 'Young Saeng... I know, it hurts. But it will get better. At least you can say goodbye, isn't it good?'

'My wish is to not be in that situation, in first place...'

She wanted to touch his shoulder, but stopped. It would be pointless. 'Remember what I told you? It's not your fault. You have to go on. Promise me.'

He broke again, the tears started to flow down his face. 'But...'

'Promise me.'

He started to wipe the uncontrollable flow of tears. 'I promise.'

'That's my boy.' She smiled. 'Also try to have an eye on my brother and granny, please? They may need you one day.' He nodded and they both stood just looking at each other.

'I can't even hug you, right?'

'No... But let me try this.' She took her hand and put in on one of the Young Saeng's cheeks. 'Do you feel it?'

'It's... cold.' He said smiling through the tears. 'But I'll miss that cold. That's so morose.'

'Eat well, sleep well. Again, please, take care of Yejun. He'll resist at first, but will open his heart finally. At home, in one of the drawers you'll find some cash. Use it. And finally: goodbye.'

'I'm so sorry. Goodbye.'

Aeri smiled widely and slowly vanished. Young Saeng tried to smile back, but it soon transformed into a stream of water running from his eyes. He was crying his eyes out, crouching on the road, hugging his knees.

After a few minutes of this cleansing therapy, he got into car. Actually, he still didn't have a driving licence, but knew how to do it. He wanted to get there by subway or buses, but Aeri persuaded him to use her car. If that's deceased last will, why not listen to it.

He got home and couldn't remember how. Whole way he was rubbing away the moisture off of his face, which was still coming. The bawling would not stop, until he got to the flat. As he walked in, firstly he noticed the smell, how bad it was. Second was how littered that place become. He heaved a sigh, rolled up his sleeves and started to clean.

It took some time, when he was done, it was already dark outside. He collected few bags of trash, now pilled beside the door. He'll have to take it out tomorrow, but for now he felt to tired. All that tears and emotions he felt today were too much for him. He felt dizzy and noticed, that he didn't eat anything today as well he didn't drink anything. He decided to make groceries tomorrow and today he'll eat last ramen he had in home. 

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