The Cherubim shattered that illusion.

Before she was even ten years old, she understood that there was always going to be a division between her and her parents. That nothing was ever going to be good enough. She was supposed to be a tool, in just about every single way, with each and every imperfection systematically ironed out.

Yet somehow, that had actually had something of a positive outcome - At least from Amity's perspective. It hardened her resolve. Made her want to succeed, to prove herself. Prove that they were wrong.

But how she had gone about such a task, and the outcomes of the way she went about them - Like how she had deluded herself into thinking she had done right by how she had treated Willow, in some weird, self-deceiving way that it would benefit Willow in the end somehow - That only changed when she met Luz.

And maybe somehow, in some weird, twisted way, that had worked out too. Because if Amity hadn't been like that, would she have ever met Luz? That was... Weird to even think about.

Because Luz had become such an important aspect of her life. She showed the kindness Amity hadn't received for years, or had it in her to be able to return to someone. Someone she didn't feel judged by. Someone who understood her. Who knew she screwed up in a lot of major ways that would take a long time to fix, but didn't cast her aside. The first friend that she had made for herself, in a long, long time, didn't run when they saw the person she was. Who she had been. The person that Amity herself was ashamed of having been before.

When she put it all out in front of her, Amity couldn't even pretend to be surprised that she'd fallen in love with Luz.

And once more, the Cherubim had threatened to take that away. To expose the Witch to the cruel reality that now, she had come to expect. To take away even the false hope that Amity had been clinging on to.

And once more, Luz managed to surprise Amity.

'I don't know how I feel about you.'

Compared to the 'No' that she had been expecting, that was... A positive sign. The promise Luz made, that no matter what conclusion she came to, that they would always be friends, was one that had really helped Amity's anxiety feel at ease though. That was the real thing she had been afraid of.

Now though, she could at least hold onto that hope...

...Even if she didn't see how Luz would feel the same.

But it was good to know that Luz wouldn't cut Amity off from her life. That had been the biggest fear, more than anything else. That made everything else feel easier.

Tomorrow would be easier. The day after would be easier. The next week would be easier. The next -

...The next week suddenly cropped into Amity's mind. After everything that had happened, she had forgotten all about the Passover Festivus.

That made Amity blink.

There was something there.

" - Another pass from - "

There was something that Luz felt towards Amity. A feeling that she didn't fully recognise, or understand. Not really. Something that did feel sort of familiar, but at the same time, completely foreign to her. It eluded her the more she tried to focus on it, and it got harder to figure out the more she actively tried to figure it out, yet she couldn't bring herself to do anything but try to figure it out. It was like there was something missing that she couldn't find the words for. It was hard to describe, because if there was one thing that she could be certain about regarding these feelings, it was that they felt like they were contradictory in nature.

A Valeween Night To RememberWhere stories live. Discover now