14 ☽ Home again

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Why didn't she tell me? Or ask me? Why was her solution to come find me? What was she thinking? I'm determined to find out.

"Your Mother is very excited to see you. Be prepared." I smile, excited to see the little Luna. I've missed my Mom.

Her humanity has never been a problem for me growing up, but I fear it now. At Spearhead, everyone thought humans were pests, weak and annoying.

They were alienated. I've never heard someone speak so lowly of them in all my life.

If anything, it's made me realize how weak she is. She's at risk, so entirely vulnerable compared to us. It's odd to think about. She's the Queen of all shifter kind. And she's human.

I wouldn't let anyone at camp know that my Mother was human. I would've been a laughing stock. But I'm not ashamed. She's my Mother, and that's everything to me, it doesn't matter what species she is.

Being back on the pack grounds is strange. I haven't been back here in years. My old childhood home. Everything is covered in a perfect white blanket, just like I remember.

I stare at the woods that I've explored, the fields I played in, the buildings I learned in.

It's strange, especially knowing Opal isn't here anymore. When I pictured coming home, I thought it would be a happy occasion. I would have my mate and my family, and rest at last.

Instead, she's gone, and I'm here to find her. I won't even get to stay long before I have to leave again.

I wonder what I'll discover when I finally find Opal. Will she be different? She was 19 when I left. Barely an adult. Has she grown much? Does she look different? It'll be awhile before I find out, but hopefully not too long, or else I fear I'll lose my mind.

It's a short drive through the pack to the house. The old farmhouse I grew up in is settled within a large group of trees, separated from the rest of the pack in solitude like most the houses here. Thee yard stretches for several wide acres. The house is still crisp white, the brick fence surrounding it missing a few pieces here and there. Toys and bikes litter the front yard.

It's just the same as when I left. The sight sends a warmth through me.

I'm home again.

Mom stands on the porch, my little brother Atlas sitting on her hip. She waves excitedly to Dad as he rolls up the driveway. He grins, always changing at the sight of her.

If there's something I know about my parents, it's that they were made for each other.

We park, and Mom puts Atlas down so she can walk down the stairs in her clunky snow boots that don't exactly match her clothes. She looks ridiculous in her flowing sundress and cardigan, standing in the snow as the wind eats at her calves.

As soon as I step out of the truck, she's on me. She has to jump to wrap her arms around my neck. I'm over a foot taller than her now, so it's a stretch.

I catch her, holding her against me tightly and breathe her in. I hear her sniffling in my ear. I chuckle.

"I'm fine Mom. Don't cry."

She pulls away a little, looking into my eyes and cupping my face in both of her hands.

"I missed you so much. Look how much you've grown." Tears shine in her dark brown eyes, wetting her lashes and drilling down her freckle spotted cheeks.

The Luna doesn't even look at Dad while he scolds her.

"Baby, you need a coat when you come outside. How many times do I need to tell you? You're going to freeze. Would it kill you to put some damn leggings on or something?" He wonders, completely exasperated with her antics.

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