Chapter 1

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It was another boring day in class. I dont get it, why do teachers try to shove calculus down your throat at 8 in the morning? Its like they try to torture students. But hey, its not like we can do anything about it either way.
"Miss Rose? The answer please?"
Oh fuck, i zoned out again. Adhd is seriously a bitch. I sigh and roll my eyes as i will my leg to stop bouncing.
"The answer now!"
Mr. Wilkins slaps his ruler on his desk as i grumble before looking down to my paper.
"What question are we on again?"
"Rose, this is getting out of hand. Question 4. The answer please."
"Oh, um. 6.78 and a half."
"Rose this isnt math anymore. You're in English now dear."
I smile softly. My favorite class. But where did the time go? Its already the end of the day? Oh well. Cant wait to go home and sleep my worries away.
I was about to answer Mrs. Shoals question before the bell rang as i head for the door before hearing my name being called by Mrs. Shoals. I turn back around and walk to her desk with a tired expression.
I know i can be an ass sometimes but i do still have respect for my elders.
"Have you been taking your medicine Rose?"
"Yes ma'am."
"Then whats the issue sweetheart?"
"Im not sure ma'am. I guess its just the lack of sleep."
"That isnt tolerable miss Rose. You need to straighten up or I'll be seeing you again next year."
I grumble and turn around to see Mr. Wilkin. My least favorite teacher and also the math teacher. There are a few reasons i lile English better than math. One of them being that math is math and English is just easier for me. Reason number two is because Mrs. Shoals is way better of a teacher than Mr. Wilkin. Reason number three is that i was orphaned as a baby so I've been passed from foster home to foster home and Mrs. Shoals is the closest thing I've had to an actual mother. I've had her as my teacher since the 5th grade. Im graduating highschool this year if i can ever get my grades up. She's just always been there for me since I've been out on my own. She's been my only feeling of home other than my best friend, Mags. Her full name is Margaret but she doesn't really like it so i call her M or Mags.
"Rose. Rosie sweetheart!"
Mrs. Shoals worried tone breaks me out of my trance as i see that we're at her house and eating dinner already. We chat for a while and finish dinner before she helps me with some Science and algebra homework before i figure its time to go home.
"Goodnight Mrs. Shoals. I'll see you tomorrow."
She hugs and kisses my cheek.
"Goodnight and stay safe Rose. And make sure to call me once you make it home alright?"
I smile and nod.
"Of course. I never forget to."
"Alright dear. And make sure to give Holly lots of love for me!"
I smile again before stepping out the door and walking to my jeep. I scoot inside, buckle my seatbelt and crank the engine before driving home.

               ¤ 10 minutes later ¤

"Holly baby! Im home!"
My giant and very fluffy pup comes running to the door and jumps up on me as i scratch behind her golden floofy ears, kissing her nose.
"Mrs. Shoals said that she misses you."
I smile as the golden retriever barks and wags her tail at the mention of my mom like teacher.
"What do you want for dinner tonight Hol?"
She trots over to the counter and sniffs at my small jar of cookies.
"No ma'am, those are not for you missy."
I giggle as i pat her nose so she's knows to not try and eat them.
"How about lasagna? That sound good?"
I smile as Garfield jumps up onto the counter and rubs up against the jar of cookies as i pat his head. Like his colors and love of lasagna my sweet cat Garfield is almost the cartoons' twin. I go over to the fridge to get out some things to make tonight's dinner before realizing im gonna have to go for a trip to the local grocery store.
"C'mon Holly. We've got to go to the store. Ride!"
I jingle my keys as she perks up at the word she understands as she trots over to the door, sitting patiently as i put my shoes and coat back on before walking out to my car, Holly following.

                  ¤ 15 minutes later ¤

We make it to town about a half an hour before the store closes so i cut my engine off, hop out of the car and walk over to the passenger seat. I let Holly out of the passenger seat as i slip on her vest and clip her leash to her collar. Holly being a service dog, is allowed to come into any store with me since my adhd keeps me from focusing. Why couldnt i have just had a normal case of adhd? Why did mine have to be as bad as it gets? I turn my head towards the direction that Holly is pulling me in as she helps me get back on track as i start walking towards the store. Once i reach the doors i walk in and towards the isle that has frozen foods so i can grab a frozen lasagna to heat up for tonight, figuring its just too little too late to home cook it. I notice a few people staring at me, having forgotten that its not common for a dog to go into a store, having gotten used to letting my Holly go everywhere with me. As i check out, Holly sits at my feet like the good pup she is as i pay before walking back out, her following beside me. Neither me or my dog noticing a man following us. I slip back into the drivers seat of my jeep after letting Holly into the passenger seat. I set the lasagna in the back seat before buckling in and starting the engine as i pull out of the parking lot to head home.

                  ¤ 8 minutes later ¤

Almost home and i had to get a flat tire. I slow down and pull onto the side of the road, pulling my pistol out of the glove department seeing as how im in the middle of nowhere and could possibly be snatched up at any moment. I go to check the tire, making sure to leave my door open just in case Holly has to jump out to help me. I hear a rustling in the bushes as i turn around, turning the flashlight on on my phone to see if its an animal or something. Seeing nothing, i turn back around, screaming as i see a man in front of me but it not being a man. His eyes shining silver as i shine my light on them as if they were reflectors. Then i notice his mouthful of what seems to be fangs. I turn to run away but he yanks me by my hair, causing me to fall backwards as i land on my ass before falling onto my back, him jumping on top of me. I start kicking as screaming as my gun had been knocked out of my hand, my flight or fight instincts kicking in as i continue trying to wrestle the creature off of me. Holly jumps on top of the creature as she starts snarling and biting it. He easily knocks her off of himself and holds my arms and legs still as i continue writhing around, screaming louder when he bites into my neck. I feel the warmth of my blood starting to flow from the wound as he seems to be drinking most of it. I start to feel dizzy from the loss of blood when a young man kicks the creature off of me, shoving it to the ground beside me before he cuts its head clean off with a machete. The last thing i see before passing out is another and taller man coming to my side, Holly still not getting up.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2020 ⏰

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