The school day ends as the last group finishes up. The students file out, All Might and myself slowly walking behind them. We talk about potential lessons we could pair up on and we make tentative plans for a couple months from now.

"Sounds like you two had a productive class." Aizawa steps out of a room and joins us.

"Wellllll I'm just going to go check on young Midoriya. See you tomorrow!" All Might runs away.

"Psh. Number one hero, my ass." I mumble and Aizawa chuckles.

"Do you need him to save you, l/n?" He slyly smiles at me

"Are you stalking me now?" My voice is pretty harsh. I'm still a little angry about earlier.

"You just walked in front of my classroom and I heard you two talking. However, I was about to come looking for you to ask for a favor." His smile falls and he's back to his normal cute grumpy look.

"What do you want?" I ask tiredly. It's the end of the day and I really just want to go home.

"I was wondering if you would chaperone an upcoming trip I have planned for 1A." He stuffs his hands in his pockets.

"What kind of trip?" I'm a little curious as to why he would willingly ask me to join him for this outing.

"They'll be doing rescue training at the USJ." He shrugs. "And after the alarm incident with the media earlier this week, Nezu suggested an extra teacher should join us."

"There's no combat involved in that, so there's really no reason for me to be there to help instruct." I draw my eyebrows together confused.

"There will be potential ethical topics though." He counters.

"I'll have to decline." I say

"I'd rather not have to ask All Might. I thought you were going to start pulling your weight around here." He deadpans

"And I thought you were going to be less of an asshole." I shoot back.

"I guess we're both not what we seem then." He starts to walk away.

"You have no idea." I say under my breath. I don't know if he heard me but he doesn't stop.

The trip back to my apartment is uneventful. The book I'm reading is pretty boring, but I'm over halfway through so I'll have to finish it. Hopefully it'll be worth it.

At the entrance of the building, Kazan comes running up shirtless and in running gear. He's dripping in sweat and it's making his bare chest glisten. He's got very defined abs that pull my attention from his face.

"Have a nice run, pet?" I ask, holding the door open for him and heading to the elevator.

"Yes, Mistress, I did." He gives me a sly smile.

"Seeing how sweaty you are, I imagine you're too tired for anything else." I tease.

"Mistress, I have outstanding stamina." We're the only two on the elevator and he leans in close, his lips right next to my ear. "I have plenty of energy left for anything you might have up your sleeve."

"Are you sure about that? I'm pretty demanding." I lick the shell of his ear

"Please, Mistress, I need you, I've been aching for you since the last time we were in this elevator." His breathing is shallow, almost a pant.

"Which apartment is yours?" I ask

"604" He responds very quickly

"Go shower, leave the door unlocked, do anything you need to do for this evening. If I show up, you won't have the time or opportunity to do anything else." I back away from him and look forward pretending like nothing happened.

"So there's a chance you won't show up?" He asks a little desperately. I just shrug. "Please, Mistress, I'll do anything."

"Anything?" I look at him from the corner of my eye with a sly smile.

"Absolutely anything, Mistress. You make me so crazy." His voice is soft and pleading.

"I'm in the middle of a pretty good book..." I lied. "We'll see."

The rest of the elevator ride is silent and Kazan gets off on his floor and turns to look at me as the door closes. I've made up my mind about what I'm going to do and I wink right before the doors close.

I go into my apartment, putting down all my stuff, slowly make dinner, and sit down to read a couple chapters while I eat. I want him to think I'm not going to show up. By the time I get there, I want him to be frustrated and turned on with anticipation.

It's been a couple hours before I head to the bathroom to shower and get dressed. I wear black crotchless underwear and a long black sleeve shirt and short red skirt. The bra stays the same since he won't be seeing it anyway. There's a few things I grab from the bedside table and pack into a black leather bag before slipping my gloves back on, grab my keys and leaving my apartment.

It's only four flights down to Kazan's floor so I take the stairs. Standing in front of apartment 604, I take a few deep breaths preparing myself for the evening. The knob turns and the door swings open silently.

Kazan is sitting on his couch facing away from the door watching something on TV. I catch the door before it slams behind me and make sure it closes silently. His floors are carpeted so it makes it easy to sneak up behind him.

"Hello, pet." I whisper into his ear.

The Reaper (Aizawa x female reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz