Chapter 12

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**Trigger warning: Chapter has incidents of bullying and depression**

My favourite quote says, 'We didn't know we were making memories, we were just having fun.'

And it is so true.

The majority of my time in highschool was spent just trying to bask in as much of Paris' influence as possible.

It was living in a constant high, dodging around the problems in my life and in me.

But after Jackson, after... that, everything changed.

The troubles we'd tried to bury had mounted up too high, and now they were threatening to burst and destroy us all.

But before that too, there were incidents that made us think, really think, about who we were, and what we were becoming.

The freshman are handing out posters for the town fair, and the viciously bright colours only remind me of our dark night.

When I look around the class at my friends, I see the same look plastered on every face.

Rio has already crumpled up his poster, and he throws in the trash can in one perfect shot, making a few students around us hoot.

Paris has torn hers into such small pieces that it's barely even recognisable as paper.

In the first row, a bench is empty - Alison has already excused herself and ran into the toilet when the posters were being distributed.

I try to make my mind shut up, but it only makes the memories come rushing back faster and stronger.

I am laughing - no - giggling, swaying on steady ground, as Jacen loops a hand around my waist, steadying me.

In front of us, Paris is blowing bubbles into Jackson's face.

It's the first time I've seen her laugh so carelessly, and I feel warm. But that's probably not only because of emotion.

Rio and Ameena are, as usual, bickering over the popcorn.

The town fair is my favourite place in the whole world, and rightfully so. It's where the best memories are made.

"Catch up, slowpokes, we're riding the Rollercoaster." Paris smirks at us as she races to the ticket counter.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, an arm shoots out and grips Paris' arm, pulling her back.

"Hey what the fu- oh, come on, didn't you have enough of me at school today?"

The annoyance in Paris' voice has disappeared, replaced by her bullying bitch tone.

In front of her stands Alison, trembling, her eyes on fire.

A month or so back, Alison wrote an article dissecting the 'fragile and toxic relashionship' of Paris' parents, as an attempt to rattle Paris.

But oh me God was that a wrong move.

Ever since then, Paris has relentlessly tortured Alison, at every single opportunity, and almost all of us have a horrible gut feeling when we see her standing there.

"Are you deaf? Let go of me, you psycho." Paris has venom in her voice.

Then, Alison whirls on Paris, and before we can decipher what's going on, she has dumped a strawberry shake on Paris' head.

Everyone around us gasps.

Then, just as swiftly as she had come, she disappears into the crowd at the fair.

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