Chapter 1: If Carl Got Picked In Eeny Meeny Miney Moe

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"And you.....are....." Negan says. Rick notices Negan slowly making his way over towards Carl as he swings Lucille back and forth in his hands. Rick can feel his throat tighten, his eyes watering, & his whole body shaking. " Sorry kid that it had to go this way. Say bye to daddy!" Negan tells a shocked Carl. Rick feels like his world is crashing around him & he doesn't care about the consequences. "DON'T GO NEAR MY SON! YOU HEAR ME YOU SON OF A BITCH?! I WILL END YOU WHERE YOU FUCKING STAND-!" Rick screams. Rick gets to his feet, charging towards Negan with his hands outstretched to strangle his throat. Four Saviors manage to restrain Rick & pull him back to his spot on the ground next to Maggie. Rick can feel the tears start streaming down his face as he can hear Carl tell his father that it's okay over and over. Rick can't even concentrate & blocks out all sound as he watches Negan raise his barbed wire bat above his son's head. Lucille comes crashing down, knocking his Sheriff's hat right off Carl's head! Carl falls face first into the muddy ground. Rick sees blood come spewing out of his son's brain. Carl manages to pull his head up one last time to give a slight smile to his father before Negan delivers another blow from his deadly baseball bat. Carl's face was something out of an unimaginable horror movie Rick has never seen before. Half of Carl's eyepatch has ripped off, revealing his dark eye socket. Blood is dripping all the way down his face in a blood red smile with his dark wavy hair revealing a split down the middle of his open brain. Carl's arms are trembling as Negan hits his head into the ground once more. Rick can see everyone sobbing & pleading around him, but again he can't concentrate. He feels completely numb, betrayed, & fucked up inside. Rick watches in agony as his son's head becomes one with the gravel ground, blood & brain matter everywhere. Carl's limp body lays sideways in an awkward position facing towards Rick. "Now, THATS what I'm talking about! Some real carnage! Rick, this is how I FELT when you killed all of my men. This is a new world, and you're under my rules now." Negan claims. Lucille is bloody & dripping as he swings her back & forth again. "Rick...this was for your own good! Now you can understand what I bring to the table & what the consequences are! You-". Negan doesn't finish. Rick lunges at Negan once more. He feels Saviors pulling at his body, but he doesn't care. He throws them all off & takes Negan by the throat, like he planned. Rick manages to grab a machete from a nearby Savior & cuts deep into Negan's torso, causing him to scream & blood to squirt! "YOU KILLED MY SON! YOU SICK, TWISTED PIECE OF SHIT!" Rick screams. Three gun shots. That's the last thing Rick hears before collapsing onto the gravel ground just like his son as his vision starts darkening as he realizes he got shot through the chest. The last thing Rick sees before dying is Negan struggling to breathe as he gags on his own blood, dying right next to him.

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