Chapter 3: If Beta Got The Horde Inside Of The Hospital Tower

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Daryl, Carol & everyone else stand in horror as they see Alpha's tremendous horde start closing in on around the tower where the rest of their friends are. "Come on! Carol, get Kelly! Judith, stay right on me. We gotta get inside, quick!" Daryl says. The four of them run together ahead of the walkers towards the emergency exit door. Walkers try to grab Judith but Carol stabs each one! Daryl swings open the door with such determination. "Go! Go! Go!" Daryl yells as Carol, Kelly & Judith scramble inside. A walker manages to grab Daryl but he throws it inside the hospital. Carol throws it against the wall & stabs it dead. Daryl runs inside after them but drops his crossbow outside by accident! He runs back out to grab it, realizing the horde was closing in on him. He picks it up & hits a walker upside the head with it! "Daryl, get inside now!" Carol yells. Daryl runs with all of his might through the doorway of the tower, but four walkers scramble in after him. He tries to slam the door but there are too many dead ones now. Carol & Kelly side by side take out the few walkers that got inside. "I can't hold it anymore! Judith, get upstairs. Carol, Kelly, take this & protect me!" Daryl says. He throws his crossbow towards Kelly & Carol. Kelly catches it one handed & preps an arrow. She aims it towards Daryl. Daryl ducks & lets the door swing open! Judith runs upstairs & locks the door behind her. Kelly fires & takes out two walkers! Daryl pulls out two knives & goes to town with a dozen or so walkers. When they get too close to him, he runs towards Carol & Kelly. "Judith, now!" Daryl yells. Judith unlocks the door & lets them three inside. Daryl barely makes it inside before Judith slams the door again! Walkers bang on the inside door & window, trying to get inside the interior of the tower. Judith locks it with a key & hands it to Daryl. "That glass won't hold. They're gonna get in..." Kelly says. "I know, but we have to warn the others. Not all of us are making it out of here alive." Carol tells Kelly. The glass window starts cracking as more & more walkers squeeze inside that tiny room. Daryl & the rest run upstairs, swinging that door shut too. They lock it up & meet Luke at the top of the stairs. "Hey gang, what's going on? You guys look stressed." Luke asks. "Beta's!" Daryl says out of breath. Luke's eyes get wide & he quickly tells everyone else. A lot of gasps & shocked faces fill the room. "It's okay everyone. We have a plan to get out alive, but that means we all have to stay calm." Carol tells everybody. Everyone nods in unison. "Let's go." Carol says to Daryl. They both head downstairs to the locker room with the walkers inside. They both get their weapons ready. The glass is beginning to crack & give. Daryl unlocks the door & throws it open! Carol grabs two dead ones & throws them inside. Daryl slams the door shut & locks it tight. Walkers pound on the window a lot louder than before, causing the glass to shake. Carol kills both walkers & starts slicing into their stomach. "Go upstairs, get the others. It's time to smear up." Carol tells Daryl. He runs upstairs & gathers everyone downstairs to put guts on themselves. Their plan was to walk through the horde that got inside the hospital. They're about halfway through smearing guts when the glass breaks & walker hands start prying inside. Daryl jumps back & starts stabbing the dead ones at the window. "Go! Keep smearing! They'll be inside any moment now!" Daryl says. They can hear the lock chipping away at the door, causing the bolts to pop off. "EVERYBODY GET BACK!" Carol yells. Everyone runs back as the door swings open, over a thousand walkers start entering the building. "Stay still!" Daryl says in a hushed voice. Everyone freezes & the dead start walking past them like they're invisible. Daryl leads the group & begins slowly walking towards the exit. Everyone follows. They all make it to the exit door when someone screams! Daryl turns around to see Luke's girlfriend Jules wrestling with one of the Whisperers. The Whisperer gets the advantage on Jules & stabs her through the chest! Luke screams in agony, attracting the hundreds of walkers around them. They all begin panicking. Daryl takes out two knives & goes to town! He clears a path through the exit. "Come on! Follow me. Stay close. Don't let one bite you!" Daryl yells. Everyone follows Daryl, killing walkers along the way. Luke is way too upset to care & Daryl turns around for a split second to see Luke give himself over to the dead. They tear into his body like a kid eating ice cream! "NO! LUKE!" Daryl screams. "Daryl, come on. We gotta go! He can't be saved." Carol says. She pulls his arm along as they continue slaughtering their way through the hospital parking lot. Negan runs for the exit, knocking over people as he goes! "Negan, wait!" Daryl yells. "There's no time!" Negan screams back. Negan shoves walkers to the side as he makes his way to the front of the building. Out of nowhere, three Whisperers jump Negan wielding knives in both hands! He drop kicks two of them & penetrates the other's knife into its temple. "We're almost out! Let's go!" Negan shouts back to everyone. Daryl & the rest catch up to him towards the exit. "Keep your voices down & walk slowly to the parking lot." Negan whispers. They all do as they're told & tread lightly. They all feel safe enough that they made their way through until they lay their eyes on big bad Beta looming in the near distance. He makes eye contact with all of them & raises his two knives above his head! " he comes. Move quickly but quietly. We're not out of the woods yet!" Daryl claims. Everyone follows Daryl quickly as Beta makes his way over to the group walking through the horde himself. The afternoon sun rains down on their skin as Beta gets closer. Out of nowhere, someone shrieks! Daryl spins around to see Kelly brawling with Beta! "Get out of there! Come on, Kelly!" Judith shouts. "I-I'm TRYING! Aghhhhh!" Kelly yells back as Beta grips the back of her shirt & lifts her into the air! She gasps for air due to her collar choking her. Beta takes one of his huge knives & plunges it deep inside Kelly's stomach! Blood dribbles out as he turns the knife in a  clockwise motion. You can see the life going out of Kelly's eyes as she slowly dies. Beta tosses her dead body aside like a rag doll! *BAM! BAM! BAM!* Gunshots fire as Daryl's group looks around in fright, as does Beta. "DARYL, CAROL, I'LL COVER YOU! GET TO THE WAREHOUSE TWO MILES EAST! GO!" To everyone's relief, Maggie Rhee has returned from her trip with Georgie & has made her way to the top of the hospital tower with a sniper rifle aimed on Beta. He quickly ducks & runs! This doesn't stop Maggie. She starts firing bullets fast! Daryl can hear them ricochet off the concrete ground as they miss Beta one by one! Luckily, a bullet manages to find its way into Beta's leg! He collapses with a yell! He falls to the ground & struggles to pick himself back up again. Maggie reloads one last time & takes the final shot. A bullet goes right through Beta's throat! He chokes on his own blood as it starts squirting out of his throat. He clutches his hands around his neck, struggling for air as Kelly was earlier. He tries to stand but to no avail. The horde hears this & slowly makes their way over to Beta's frail body. He lays on the ground like a Raggedy Anne doll. The walkers circle Beta as he starts lashing out at the hundreds of them around him with his own two hands. With a broad smile on Daryl & Carol's faces, Beta gets torn into by his own horde. Daryl notices Maggie smiling too at the top of the tower, looking down at her proud work.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2021 ⏰

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