finally feeling a slight tug, seungmin began walking first, leading the other into the entrance of the school. " uh, are we even allowed to be here?", hyunjin asked the other, a bit scared that this day could end at the local jail near by.

seungmin waved his hand. " we'll be fine, don't worry. I made sure jisung cleared a few things before coming here". hyunjin stopped walking and raised his eyebrows.

" you put jisung in charge of something? that's it, we need to go now,". he started walking back out but was once again stopped by seungmin. seungmin shook his head no and continued to pace around. hyunjin sighed once again but didn't fight. he just had to hope for the best.

they walked past various classrooms before stopping in front of a door. hyunjin recalled what room this was. it was the art room, where seungmin used to spent most of his time and where hyunjin did too, only that they had different purposes for being there.

seungmin dropped the other's hand and went into his back pocket. he pulled out a black blindfold and went to wrap it around hyunjin's head. hyunjin tried his best to avoid any contact, his cheeks flushing red all of a sudden.

seungmin didn't notice any odd behavior and continued to tie a double knot behind the older's head. once he was done, he took a deep breathe. he opened the door and slowly guided hyunjin inside.

they stopped in, what hyunjin felt like, the middle of the room. soon enough seungmin began talking. " earlier this year, I was assigned an art project. my teacher told us to photograph someone we felt passionate about; someone we loved and admired. I could never choose that someone because I didn't understand the true meaning of love,".

hyunjin stood lost, but still listened closely to what the other had to say. he felt anxious to know where this was going, but still hoped for the best. he silently wiped his hands against his pants.

" I kept thinking about that project, worried that if I didn't choose someone soon, I'd probably end up failing," seungmin laughed a bit to himself. he looked around the room carefully, examining the work that he had created. " I looked through my photo books and soon came to a realization. I chose that someone without even realizing it,".

his hands shaked as he moved his hands near hyunjin's eyes. with one last glance around the room, seungmin undid the knot from behind hyunjin's head. the blindfold fell, landing gently on the floor.

hyunjin opened his eyes slowly, adjusting to the light once again. once he was able to see clearly, he took in the view.

" seungmin,". seungmin stood next to him but refused to look at his face. hyunjin pointed at every wall there was. " all these photos are of me? why are they all me?". he was in complete awe. he's never seen so much of himself all at once.

some photos had been from a week ago, while others dated from their high school days. every single one. they were all here.

seungmin looked down and noticed hyunjin's hand hanging by his side. he glanced at him before taking his hand into his own. hyunjin gasped at the sudden touch but didn't pull away this time.

" it's you, hyunjin," seungmin began to say. he grinned widely, staring at all the photos he's captured this far. " you're that someone,". hyunjin pointed at himself. he did all this for him?

" why? why would you do this?" seungmin sighed and turned to face the confused one. one look at his face and seungmin knew he'd never forget this day. he moved his hand up to hyunjin's head and fixed his beret.

" hyunjin, I wouldn't do this for just anyone and you know that. I did this because, well, because I really, really like you, hwang hyunjin,". hyunjin smiled widely as tears began to form in his eyes.

he laughed and hid his face in seungmin's chest. " seungmin!" he dragged out as he began to feel heat arise his features. he peeked up at the younger with his eyes. " are you sure you like me? last time I remembered, your project was supposed to be on someone you "loved and admired" or am I wrong?"

" yah! you can't joke like that!" seungmin exclaimed as he felt flustered by the others words. hyunjin giggled lightly as he picked up his head. he grinned cheekily before leaning in to plant a soft kiss on seungmin's nose.

" I'm kidding, minnie! we have a lot of time before then," he said at last. seungmin couldn't have agreed more. he wasn't sure if what he felt was love just yet, but boy did hyunjin mean a lot to him. he pretended to hate the kiss, but no one needed to know that.

hyunjin turned to look around the room again, only this time he walked around, observing each one carefully. seungmin walked slowly beside him, looking at all his memories painted on the wall.

hyunjin felt weird looking at himself, but wanted to scream everytime he remembered that seungmin did this for him. no one else but him.

" you're really pretty, you know that?". hyunjin didn't know what to say back. he raised his eyebrows at the other before shaking his head.

" I'm going to have to get used to that. you complimenting me back? I would have never imagined,". seungmin made a blah sound but didn't take back his words. he's always thought this way, but now he was going to have to get used to actually saying these things.

they remained in silence for a while, enjoying each other's company.

they were soon interrupted by a loud knocking at the door. they looked at each other confused before hyunjin let go of seungmin's hand, allowing him to step forward.

seungmin opened the door cautiously, being met with a panicked jisung. " I'm really sorry and you're probably going to hate me, but the police is here and we need to get out now!" hyunjin hit seungmin on his shoulder. " I told you!".

seungmin didn't have much time to respond. he took hyunjin's hand and ran out with jisung, minho and jiwoo. " minho hyung , you didn't think to leave the cat behind?" seungmin whisper-yelled.

minho hissed back. " shut up, leave lino and I alone,". jiwoo laughed lowly beside them as they all ran out to the back.


omg, beauty and his camera is coming to an end! :,)
- a.n

p.s - I'm also recovering from hyunjin's criminal cover right now </3

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