"Let's go up to the main deck, shall we?"

After a few hours, we are out on the Atlantic, sailing- somewhere- and I feel elated. The sunset casts russet shadows across Felix's face. He glances out across the expanse of the sea. The horizon is darkening. Unexpectedly, in plain view of the other passengers, he pulls me towards him. I'm surprised, but I like it. I wrap my hands through his hair as he snakes his and around my waist. I kiss him with a newfound sense of hope, trust and admiration.

He breaks it to mumble something at me. I don't pick it up so I ask.


"We'll be in New York in about a week."

"America?" I beam. "I've always wanted to go there!"

It feels as though someone else has taken control of my body. I leap up, into his arms, and Felix takes the chance to kiss me again. Then, he starts to slink my coat off my shoulders. His mouth meets my face, my neck, my shoulders and my chest. He stops. I let out a sound I literally did not know I was capable of making. I regain normal posture. "Why'd you stop?"

"Well what did you expect? We do it right here?" He huffs, acting at once the part of the prudent Victorian snob. "There are people about, Brenna. It would be un-Christian of us to do such a sinful thing."

"Oh?" I fold my arms. "Well then let's go somewhere where only Christ can see us."

Felix's eyes light up. He smiles in a way I've never seen him do before. It seems true to his nature, demonic, passionate, fiendish. It really, well, arouses me. I really want him, right now. I've never felt this way before.

Though the skies were slowly darkening and it seemed like it would rain on our way to the port, the waves have suddenly picked up significantly. A storm has rolled in. My hair has come down out of its braid as the wind rips it left and right. I tug Felix along as he follows me to our cabin. He's happy, that's for sure. When we get there, I have to stop for a moment. I'm surprised.

The bed we're supposed to share is covered in rose petals, and there are vases containing beautiful starfish, little fish and shimmering gemstones. I excitedly trek over to the chest of drawers and there's so many beautiful, short night dresses. They're definitely not like anything I've seen women wear in this century. They seem fit for a far-off, more liberating future.

"Felix." I breathe. "This is beautiful. How'd you do this?"

"Brenna." He takes my hands in his. "I want you to know that I'm saying this with the utmost honesty." He leans his forehead against mine. "I know what I am. I'm dealing with a lot of mixed feelings, but I want you to know that whatever happens on our little expedition that you are the most pure, kind and loving person I've ever had the pleasure of making a deal with."

"Felix I don't care what you are."

"Really?" He steps back and smiles, but it's completely, totally different from before. This looks innocent, kind.

"No. Right now, I care about what you did for me." I hold my hand up, and interlock my fingers with his. "You saved me. You protected me. You gave me a home and let me live a vibrant life. I wanted to believe you were lying, but I never should have." I step closer. "Thank you." I hug him. It's the last innocent, sweet, conventional form of affection we share.

"I have never ever felt this before. I don't know what it is, but I just want to-" I kiss him suddenly, all but yanking him towards me, and he wraps his hands around my hips, and pulls my midsection against his. He slides my skirts up, and begins to work at my stockings, tearing them off with his teeth. Already, I can see my almost non-existent interest in sexual intercourse is no longer an issue. I throw my head back, my hair falling down across my face, wavy from the braid it was in. "God damn it! This is going to be the best night of my life!" He pushes me down on the bed and thrusts my skirt up around my torso.

Kuroshitsuji: Seventh SinWhere stories live. Discover now