Y3・゚✧*:・゚✧ Paris

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Your pov

I threw a few t-shirts in my trunk. I was packing for my trip with Hermione.

Hmm, do I need sunscreen? Of course. I tossed a tube of sunscreen in my trunk as well as a few other things.


"Hey Y/n! How's your summer been till now?" Hermione asked through .

"It's been great Hermione, but I'm bored and fed up of ." I laughed in response.

"Oh, well then, this is great . We're going to Paris in a few and said I could bring a along. Do you want to come? Please?" She buzzed through .

My mouth dropped open. Paris? It had seemed like a dream to me, with those gorgeous towers and delicious foods, and the picturesque places. I had several old cutouts that I saved, Paris was a dream, because we couldn't go there.

"Wow, um- wow, Hermione a-are you sure?" I sputtered through .

"Yes! Absolutely!" Hermione laughed. "Now go and ask your mum, I'll wait."

"Mu-mum? Can you come here a moment?" I called up the stairs.

"Yes dear, coming!" Molly Weasley walked down the stairs, mum flashed a smile at me.

"Uh-um, well-er- mum. I was wondering if- Hermione's parents have invited me to go to Paris with them. Can I go?" I asked and gave a nervous smile.

Mum gave a look of thought, then paused, and said "Why not? It's about time you have some fun. No doubt your brothers have been bugging you. Ginny isn't exactly exciting either, is she?" Mum said brightly.

"YES! YES!" I screamed in delight. I ran back to the phone and picked it up. "Her-Hermy? MY MUM SAID YES! I CAN COME!" My best friend squealed happily and response.

✧・゚: *✧・゚Time skip ・゚✧*:・゚✧

"I'm still mad I can't come. Have fun with your 'girls trip'" my twin brother Ron grumbled.

"Hey, bring me back a dress or two!" Fred nudged me playfully.

"And I saw this great make-up kit I'd like!" George ruffled my hair.

"Ginny, I'll bring you back something alright?" I smiled at my younger sister.

"Oh! I see her!" I said waving at Hermione, who was running towards us.

She hugged Ron and hugged me too. "I'm so excited!" she whispered into my ear.

She said bye to Ginny and the others and we walked further into the airport with mum and Hermione's parents.

"Oh my godric, we're going to have so much fun!" I cried as mum went over to talk with Hermione's parents.

"We'll gossip--" Hermione started.

"-And swim!--" I added.

"-And go shopping!--"

"-And eats loads of food!--"

"Girls! Let's go!" Hermione's mum called us.

I hugged mum, "Bye mum! I'll miss you!", "Oh yes, me too, don't forget to write every day!" she said bopping my nose.

I walked with Hermione and soon, we got into the flight.

✧・゚: *✧・゚Time skip ・゚✧*:・゚✧

POA (Point of audience)

The next few weeks of summer went by like a breeze for Hermione and Y/n. They enjoyed giggling and gossiping together every night, shopping every afternoon was also great. They certainly weren't complaining about the unique dishes they got to try everyday.

𝐁𝐮𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐬 (Harry Potter x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now