- chapter 17 • only because he was high -

Start from the beginning

"Sorry.." Bokuto stared at the boy with his head down. "Let me see your face.."

"No.." Akaashi bawled his fist up.

"Please.." Bokuto whined.

"I can't.. I don't want to look at you."

"Are you calling me ugly..?" Bokuto laughed.

"No.. I don't want you to see me either." Akaashi whimpered.

"But.. please?" Bokuto whined. A jolt of pain came towards his stomach and he wrapped his arm around his waist. Akaashi quickly looked up to see what was wrong. "Ha.. made you look..!" Bokuto laughed a bit, but he was still hurting.

Akaashi has dark circles under his eyes and his eyes were red. His cheek bones were staring to pop out, but his cheeks were flushed.

"Akaashi.. I'm sorry.." Bokuto looked at him, he reached out his hand grabbed Akaashi's hand. "Once I get out of this hell hole, let's go to the beach."

"That would be nice.." Akaashi smiled.

They sat there for a couple of minutes, hand in hand. Again in a cold hospital room together.

Bokuto titled his head and looked at Akaashi, "Akaashi.. I was shot..!" Bokuto exclaimed.

"I know.. that's not a good thing." Akaashi glared at him.

"I love it when you glare at me.." Bokuto whispered, staring at his eyes.

A pink glaze smeared over Akaashi's face, "That's weird Bokuto-san." He huffs out. Bokuto laughed a bit and continued to stare at the ceiling.

It was silent in the room except for the heart monitor reminding Akaashi that Bokuto was alive and here with him at this moment.


An hour went by and Akaashi was still talking to Bokuto.

"Bokuto-san.." Akaashi mumbled under his breathe.

"Hm..?" Bokuto answered, his hearing was amazing.

Akaashi dropped his head, looking at the floor. His hand trembling in Bokuto's. Tears fell off his face, his small sobs echoed the room.

"You're.. dead.. I'm just imagining this aren't I?" Akaashi shook in the small chair.

"I'm not dead Akaashi.." Bokuto calmly said. "I'm right in front of you." Bokuto waved his hand.

"You are right in front of me.." Akaashi whimpered out. He lifted his head to face the other boy's face, Bokuto's eyes illuminated Akaashi's. His eyes were bright yellow, shining into Akaashi's soul.

"I'm here.. promise!" Bokuto smiled.

"You're.. here.." Akaashi smiled back, showing his bright white teeth.


Two more weeks have passed by and Bokuto was released from the hospital, he wasn't supposed to move much. Only things he could do is take short walks, so the blood doesn't clot. Moving was painful but healthy enough to heal him faster.


"What should we do first?" Akaashi questioned Bokuto as he was pushing him in a wheelchair.

Bokuto was extremely mad that he couldn't walk next to Akaashi. Bokuto groaned and said, "I want to walk with you Kaashi!"

"No." Akaashi sternly said and kept pushing him in the wheel chair.

Bokuto whined and gave up on that request.

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