Until it wasn't.

When you were 7, Genevieve had become quite sick. Ovarian cancer, you had overheard the doctors say at one of her appointments. After receiving the news, she sat and held you and Vic in her arms, not shedding a single tear, but holding on like it would heal her. You wished it had. 18 months after her diagnosis, she passed away, connected to a ward full of machines, in a horribly cold, claustrophobic hospital room, surrounded by your immediate family. She was only 45.

After the funeral, Zachary began to drink. Whiskey was his poison of choice, but he would drink rubbing alcohol if he had grown desperate. That's when the abuse started. At first, it was verbal. The typical name-calling and yelling as loud as he possibly could, to the point that the picture frames on the walls would rattle when he began to shout.

Then, at age 13, he had pushed Vicrul up against the wall and began to strangle him after being called out for arriving late for parent pick-up again. You were frozen in the living room, tears in your eyes and your screams caught in your throat. Vic had attempted to fight back, but it only pissed Zachary off even more. Vicrul managed to weasel his way out of his grip eventually, turning to grab your hand and running to your bedroom and locking the door.

Thank the maker that a few short weeks after that incident, a teacher at the school had noticed the bruises that riddled the skin of you and your brother, your father getting arrested and sent away for many years. Of course, he couldn't take the sentence nor the sobriety that prison provided him, and opted to hang himself in his 5x5 prison cell.

Because you and Vicrul were still minors at that time, a judge had appointed your father's brother, Charles Snoke, as your new legal guardian. You both were quickly moved to his sprawling mansion outside of the city, with only a backpack filled with savored personal items and the clothes on your backs. Holding Vic's hand as you entered, you hoped that things would begin to look up for the both of you.

Uncle Snoke had unenrolled you from the private school your parents had worked extremely hard to get you both into, insisting that homeschooling was for the best. You were both kept on opposite sides of the mansion, even kept separate for lessons and the minuscule amount of free time you were allotted each night. The only time you had with Vic was during meals, but you both rarely spoke.

After five years of basically being isolated from the only person you felt you had left, you had finally graduated from your lessons and began to pursue your dreams of medical school. Vicrul had found an apartment a few blocks away from NYU, as he began working for Uncle Snoke and what he had called the 'family business'.

You were content with going to medical school and staying with your brother, building back the relationship you had lost under the caretaking of Snoke. Though you didn't have the same respect for Snoke as Vicrul did, you had learned to not talk about it with him, as it would only end in fighting. Over the years, Vic would come home to find you asleep at the dining room table, hovered over your textbooks and notes, carefully lifting you out of the chair and placing you in your bed.

Soon after, you graduated, started your internship and residency in the same halls your mother had graced years before you, making you miss her even more. You had moved out of Vic's apartment, finding a small, more affordable option close to the hospital so you could walk to and from work every day. Everything felt right in the world again.

Until now.

Before you knew it, the cab had stopped in front of the sprawling mansion you had grown to resent. Quietly handing the cab driver the appropriate change and a tip for driving you out so far, you began your assent inside.

Please, maker...grant me patience, because if you grant me strength, I will need bail money too..., you thought, hastily pushing through the front door.

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