𝐧𝐨 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 (𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟏𝟕)

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author's note: hey my lovely readers! i have got a lot of people who question my writing. they want me to write things that clay (dream) wouldn't do in real life, he is silly and funny. he probably doesn't have sex every minute, so please respect him as a person, thank you! i like practical stories and in this chapter, it is something that he would do! thank you! <3


you need to come home,
like right now.
it's clay.

what is going on?!
on our way home now!

i look up at nick, tears starting to form in my eyes. what the hell happened to clay? it didn't sound good.

are you okay?

we have to go home, george just texted me saying something is wrong with clay.

what?! okay hold on. 

nick flips a u-turn and we start off in the direction home. it will be a fifteen minute drive, i hope he can wait that long... i hope he is okay.

~~~ fifteen minutes later ~~~

when we got in the apartment parking lot, i hopped out of the car and ran up the stairs. i was so far ahead of nick, i got to the door and saw george standing outside the door. i run up to him and try to get into the apartment. he grabs my hand and stops me.

i will try to hold off nick, clay needs to talk to you.

i nod and run into the apartment. when i get in, i see clay standing up, he was looking at the door. he looks like he is stressed... but he looks fine? i thought he was hurt or something.

i run up to him and hug him, wrapping my arms around his neck. he puts his hands on my waist and he hugs me back. i lean back and look up at him.

are you okay? i got george's text.

in a way, yes. 

what does that even mean? are  you hurt?

not physically. mentally yes.

what the fuck happened, clay?! you are acting dumb!

oh come on! don't be mean.

why did george text me like it was an emergency?

clay grabs both of my hands and look me in the eyes. 

i had to have him send that text. delilah, i need you to know that i will never do that to you, you know, what i did to my ex. i like you a lot, we have this undeniable spark that makes my heart beat super fast. 

clay... you mean to tell me, that you made george send that text so you could tell me that you like me... again?

well, now that you say that... it might seem a little over the top. 

i don't know, i think it is cute. you put effort into it, which is brownie points.

oh come here! 

clay grabs me and picks me up, i put my legs around his waist and he puts his hands on my butt to hold me for support. he leans into kiss me and lean in, we kiss until we hear nick start yelling.

george! what the hell! let me in! what are they even doing in there?

nick barges in, but luckily me and clay are already like feet apart. we both look at the door and nick walks up to us.

george told me that it was an editing emergency. you scared the living hell out of us.

i am sorry, it was a big deal. she left in the part where you were talking bitches and said my mom was a hoe. 

i left that in on purpose. 

you should keep that in.

george walks in, i can sense he is mad. he told me he wouldn't lie for me, but he did. i feel bad that i made him lie for me.

just let them go edit it out, nick. clay texted you guys for a reason.

whatever, go fix it. i think it would be funny to keep it in but you do you. 

me and clay walk to my room. i walk in first, and he walks in behind me. he closes the door and i turn around to face him. 

he walks up to me, picks me up and throws me on the bed. he climbs on top of me and uses his arm to prop himself up. he just look down at me and smiles, his smile makes me melt. i look into his eyes and a huge grin appears on my face, i can feel it.

clay pov

i look down at delilah, she is so beautiful. i can't get enough of her, i can't imagine what she felt like when i told her about me and my ex. if she told me that, i probably would be stressed too. i could never do it to her, the feelings that i have grown for her... 

every single time she smiles, she makes butterflies fly around in my stomach. when she laughs, it makes me laugh. when she tucks her hair behind her ear, it makes me want to just grab her and kiss her. anything she does, makes me happy. 

as much as i loved my ex, i never have thought of her the way i think of delilah. she has never made me as happy as delilah. what i did was wrong, but it led me straight to delilah. we are meant to be, we just need to figure out how to tell nick. no one can take her away from me now that i have her.

delilah pov

he leans down and kisses me, i kiss him back. our lips meet and it sends a shock through my body. no on can take us away from each other, not now that i have him. we have only know each other for five months and i have only known what he looks like for three. but yet, i wouldn't change anything if i could... well, i would make it so nick approved of us. 

maybe he does now, he seems more laid back. i don't want to lose my best friend, but i don't want to lose clay. if nick doesn't approve, i don't know who to pick. i have known nick my whole life, i couldn't lose him if i tried. i don't think i could lose clay even if i wanted too, i-i think i love him.

i hear the doorknob turn, but it is too late for clay to get off of me.

what.. the.. fuck. 


word count: 1098

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