Her past

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Wash had to watch as the two of them switched through the night watching Wash hoped that the police would get here in time Wash could tell Mae was going to fail in her attempt to kill him and Shoda if they were going to wait through the night Mae was sleeping again as Shoda watched Wash

Sho: I called the police before walking in hopefully they will be here in the morning Wash: wait why morning Sho: well there's this military base nearby that they need police for training for some reason so they all are there for the night Wash: god trying to spend time till the right time Sho: it is had Mae: oh Shoda dearie~ it's time for my shift Sho: act normal (loud) OK HONEY

Wash watched as his only friend left again as Mae walked in walking up to the cage to look at Wash with a smile

Mae: I know what your up to

Hearing this worried Wash a little but tried to act normal

Wash: ok I mean what do you think I'm up to Mae: oh don't act dumb I know your trying to change my Shoda's mind you want him to convince me to let you live and turn myself in but do you know how long I would spend in their for hm seven life sentences I don't want to deal with that but I do have a plan to say you were the one killing those people Wash: you want to know something Mae: what Wash: it won't work Mae: and why is that Wash: because I wasn't here for the start I was in trouble and I was hidden by the government I am under government protection so they would find it very odd to find me a killer in a case that I wasn't around for the start of and dead so how will you do it now Mae: simple there's this teacher at school everyone thinks he's a little insane so my new plan is for him to now be the killer it's just a quick redo in the plan same way you'll just be a victim

The way she looked as Wash was one that could kill a horse

Wash: so you figured out my plan to get help Mae: yep and I know it won't work either Wash: you know if you wanted ne to stay away from Shoda from the start you could have said I probably would have I mean I'm not mean Mae: well so sad for you that I didn't tell you I mean you would most likely be home right now Wash: looking after my family ya I mean they are still in shock my mom knew what my dad was and she had to act like there was nothing wrong Mae: (sarcastically) oh I'm sorry that the world has treated you like this Wash: you know from the way you've been acting I can tell things about you

Mae just walked to one of the boxes laughing

Mae: like what Wash: I can tell you have attachment issues you own three cats and just an educated guess your parents are gone Mae: what did you say Wash; what that your parents are gone Mae: how did you know Wash: well with the attachment issues I just guess being that you need a lot to know that someone won't leave you by the way you did all this so it's just my best guess about your parents Mae: how dare you I am going to make your death very slow

Mae walked off into the next room knowing that it was true Wash brought his knees too his chest as he started to think about all that could have happened waiting till both Shoda and Mae walked through the doorway

Sho: so he guess your life I mean I could have done that but I grew up with you so I knew Mae: I want to kill him now I don't want to wait Sho: it won't feel as good on an empty stomach I mean vengeance isn't best done on an empty stomach Mae: I don't care about an empty stomach I want him dead 

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