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Having watched his friend go into the emergency room Shoda worryed about what happened

Sho: I don't even know what happened one moment we were just laughing and the next he was on the ground Mae: I'm not sure either Sho: maybe I am a danger to everyone whoever is around me get's hurt I mean first Violet then Ken I feel like I should just leave Mae: hey I don't think it's your fault I think your being targeted that's all

Having to wait a few hours the doctor walked out wanting to know what happened explaining the doctor looked at the two wondering why they would be in a club

Sho: we were looking into something that has taken the lives of a few kids Doctor: you should have left it to the police Sho: they don't have any leads except the wrong one Mae: also it's kind of my fault I said we'd talk after I finished work and I worked at the club so they were there because of me Doctor: right then I won't hold you accountable for now but your friend should wake up soon

Each day Shoda came back to the hospital waiting a few days seeing if Wash would awake but nothing

Sho: please just wake up

Having had time to think about who could be doing this and narrowed it down to a big hand full of people but still unsure about who it could have been

Mae: you've been coming here everyday after school Sho: ya I want to know if he's ok but they won't be able to know till he wakes up Mae: ya well I don't know what he was hit with I know a lot of drugs that can be in a night club thanks to the other workers Sho: well we just need to wait and see it also may give insight into who is killing people Wash told me any and everything can narrow down who this killer can be and he was right

A doctor walks past and stopped seeing who was watching Wash

Doctor: wait aren't you that killer Mae: HE IS NOT A KILLER Doctor: wo ok but I mean a lot of people say he's a killer it all on the news right now people keep trying to know why he isn't in jail Sho: because I'm not a killer there trying to find the real one and they think if it keeps blame on me that the killer will make a move and make me more guilty but when they try to do it somewhere like my home they will fail as the police will be waiting for them Doctor: so how do they know it's really not you Sho: they watched me for a few months without me knowing and saw I wasn't the killer but they went on one lead of all the victims knowing me

The doctor rubbed his chin in thought about what was said

Sho: you can't tell anyone this I don't even know why I told you this Doctor: I know I just have one of those faces I mean not even my wife can lie to me Mae: right well maybe you can tell us if there has been any weird cases like our friend in there Doctor: well I mean there hasn't been any like your friend he's almost in a coma like state and even the head doctors confused about that whatever your friend was hit with it's something it may be a mix of a few drugs Sho: you mean he could have been hit with more than what you thought

The doctor nodded thinking about the symptoms of his coma like state unsure what it could be a mix of

Doctor: do you know what types of drugs are in the club normally brought by people Mae: I mean there is a few sleeping drugs Doctor: that's it the mix of drugs in the right amount with the right kind could make your body slip into the coma state but I need to know what amounts and which ones I'll be back

Shoda watched as the doctor left for a few hours almost falling asleep seeing the doctor come back adding something to Wash's dosage

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