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Wash and Shoda finally arrived at school a few minutes later but Wash noticed the missing posters immediately being that they were posted every where in the school giving Wash a horrible feeling about some of the people in the school but tried to not freak out

Wash: um is there always this many missing here Sho: no it started in the middle of last year Wash: how many are missing Sho: well since the start of the year it's been four but since it started ten and I have been watched Wash: why Sho: cause all that have died have in some way been related to me Wash: so they think you did it Sho: pretty much but I didn't do it I mean the whole time they watched me there were two deaths and they still think it's me Wash: well why don't we prove it isn't you I mean it can't be that hard

Wash looked at the posters as he said what he said before Shoda pulled him in between two school buildings

Sho: don't you think I've been looking into it I have been trying to since they started to suspect me but everything I've done hasn't been close to what I found I mean who ever is doing this has to be keeping an eye on me so I believe you're the only one I can trust as your new Wash: ok well what have you found Sho: well all of the victims have been killed with a double edge steel bladed knife Wash: ok so that can narrow it down Sho: what do you mean Wash: anything narrows it down on who it can be I mean how many people can own that knife Sho: lot's of people almost everyone here Wash: oh

The two continued their walk into the school getting looks from almost every student

Wash: so Shoda sparrow and Washington Nightingale are on the case oh sparrow and nightingale that would so work Sho: tell you the truth I didn't want to bring anyone into this Wash: you know no one can do everything on their own I mean do you think a super hero can no he has other people like iron man he has the help of pepper pots she finds out things as well I don't know any hero that always does it on their own Sho: your right there but still it's too dangerous for you to be hanging around me Wash: so I always like danger

After spending time in a base in the middle of no where and being restricted to a house Wash wanted to do something exciting like distract a killer again

Wash: so partner what's it going to be Sho: don't call me that we're not partners Wash: well to bad I like it Sho: if your not going to leave me then I'll have to get you to help Wash: I always want to help Sho: fine I'll tell you the rest later this isn't the place to be talking about things like that people like to ease drop on things that don't even concern them I'll tell you more on the walk home as there are less people Wash: sounds good I'll have to head to the office now so I'll see you later

Wash ran to the office getting his timetable and locker number asking about a few things before heading to his first class in maths finding it quite easy to learn only needing seconds to learn the lesson before starting the work he'd always been good at learning while people had their full attention to learn Wash didn't after the class ended and Wash was packing his things up a student placed his foot on the table getting Wash to look up

Wash: hello Kid: heh I see you were hanging with the murderer Wash: you mean Shoda Kid: that's the kid you know you'll end up like the others if you try to befriend him people say that if you go into his home and into the basement you can find the bodies of the dead in their Wash: I don't always believe the gossip thank you now if you would allow me I am going to go so bye

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