
" hyunjin, you can't hide here forever! our class starts in twenty minutes!!," felix complained for what seemed like the billionth time. he couldn't help but glance at his watch every two minutes. he was getting anxious.

" just go on without me. tell the teacher I'm out sick or something,". felix raised his eyebrows and placed his arm on his hips. " no, you're coming with me and that's final,". hyunjin whined as he was forcefully put into a sitting position by felix.

" why are you bothering me! go on a date with changbin or something," hyunjin said as he waved his hands in front of him. felix could only roll his eyes. " changbin's in class right now, just how you should be in," he glanced at his watch, " fifteen minutes,".

" I look horrible, everyone's going to think I died and came back alive. look at my bags," hyunjin said as he pulled the skin under his eyes. felix moved back as him made a disgusting face.

" I think your bags are the least of your problems. go brush your teeth,". hyunjin gave up and finally got up on his feet. he slipped on his sandals and walked the best he could towards the bathroom.

felix sighed as he watched him go. he wished he could help hyunjin, but this was all he could do. hyunjin will feel better soon.

" hyunjin, 10 minutes, let's go!,"
" I'm coming, let me breathe!,".


seungmin dropped his bag on the ground carefully. he glanced at the door every now and then, hoping to see two familiar heads walk through.

he had texted felix prior letting him know that he was heading to class alone to avoid making hyunjin feel any more awkward. he knew that 2 hours in the same room was going to be hard for them.

the bell rung, signaling the start of class. seungmin looked worriedly at the door. no one walked through and it made him uneasy.

are they seriously bailing today?, seungmin scratched his chin but paid his attention to the front of the class. the teacher began speaking.

the class went on for ten more minutes before they were interrupted. felix entered out of breath with a lost hyunjin by his side. he looked in and mentally cringed at the embarrassment.

he looked at the teacher and began bowing. " I apologize for our lateness, sir, it won't happen again!,". the teacher rolled his eyes, " just sit down, the two of you, now!"

his tone startled the pair and they sped walked to their seats next to seungmin. the pattern changed as felix took the sit next to seungmin for today.

" what the hell happened?" seungmin whispered towards felix. " that one over there refused to get up. I had to basically drag him here,". seungmin looked over his shoulder towards hyunjin.

he noticed the weight that hyunjin's eyes held as they kept wanting to shut close. he looked exhausted and sad. seungmin wished he could kiss it all away for him.

as the class went on, the boys remained focused for the first time since they started this semester. it was odd. hyunjin actually understood something from class without asking for help. he felt like he unlocked a whole new world.

luckily, group engagement wasn't requested from them today, so the remaining forty minutes, they sat in silence, working on their individual works. there would be occasional converse between felix and seungmin and felix and hyunjin, but not once did hyunjin speak to seungmin and vice versa.

" felix," seungmin heard hyunjin call out. " what am I supposed to do for this part?". felix looked at the others computer but didn't understand any of it.
" I'm not sure, I haven't gotten to that part yet,".

seungmin glanced out of curiosity and noticed how that had been two steps ago for him. he really wanted to speak up and explain it to the boy.

he had finally made up his mind to speak up. " hey-"
" you know what? I'll just ask mr. song," and with that hyunjin got up, not hearing the other's attempt to speak to him. he grabbed his computer and went on his way.

seungmin sighed as his eyes followed the long haired boy. felix sent him an apologetic smile in return for his failed attempt.

" hey, yongbokie,". felix looked up at him, " jeongin showed me the little groupchat you made with the others,". felix mouth fell open. he forgot to tell the others to get rid of that.

" seungmin, I'm really sorry,". seungmin raised his hand as to shut him up. " it's fine but I used it as blackmail to get jeongin to help me with something. I wouldn't mind an extra pair of hands," he said as he looked down at felix's hands.

" I'll help you with anything, just name it!," felix shamelessly confessed. seungmin chuckled and looked back at him.

" well I have this idea where- wait I'll tell you about it later, hyunjin's coming back,". he went back to doing what he was doing before. felix pretended like the conversation never happened and went on minding his business.

hyunjin placed his laptop back on the table and sat down, lifting his hoodie back up after being told to pull it down by mr. song.


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