Eva laughed and gave her a pointed look. "I'm not trying to sound condescending or rude, but it's because Mason was, is selfish. He only thinks about himself and how he can be pleased by others. Reid, he's selfless and he cares about you so much," She had a point.

"I get what you're saying, but I feel like my eyes are opened just a little more than they were last week," Vanessa didn't understand why this was happening, but she was glad. "He's getting Lailah in two days. I feel like I'll see him in a new light," She mumbled.

Eva hummed. "I pray that you do. I hate that he has a negative effect on you," She rubbed Vanessa's shoulder in comfort. "Enough about the ginger, how's my favorite Italian?" She wiggled her eyebrows for added effect.

Reid was Reid. He was the perfect gentleman, and he was tall. She really liked how tall he was. Since she was short, everyone was tall to her, but Reid was taller than everyone else she knew. Maybe even taller than Mason, she hoped.

"He's doing good. We were supposed to go out today, but I wanted to spend time with you. I always want to prioritize my time with you, you're my favorite sister," Vanessa wrapped her arm around Eva's shoulder and kissed her cheek. "Any new guys in your life?"

Eva's cheeks reddened and she shrugged passively. "Noooo," She drawled while looking at her fingernails.

Vanessa gasped and covered her mouth in shock. Her little sister definitely had a guy in her life. "You're lying," She laughed. "Come on, is he cute? You have to tell me something, you know everything about my relationship with Reid,"

Eva huffed and laid back on the couch. "That is true," She sang. "Okay! There's this guy in my Sociology class and he's like the hottest guy I've ever seen, I mean like super spicy!" She said dreamily. "His name is Anwar Midjah and he's really nice. He's been helping me with my homework,"

Vanessa grabbed Eva's arm and pulled her in for a hug. "I can't believe it," She mused. "My sister likes someone. I thought I'd never see the day. You always say how you're too busy for a guy and now here you are, Anwar Midjah must be very stellar if he's made you give up your "I'm too busy," catchphrase."

"Mama!" Lailah cried loudly from her bedroom.

Vanessa jumped up from the couch and ran to Lailah. Her sweet girl had separation anxiety, which was surprising, as Vanessa rarely left her side. Nonetheless, Lailah would have a fit if she didn't know where her mother was.

"What's wrong, sweetness? Did my baby have a bad dream?" Vanessa cooed as she picked Lailah up from her bed. She kissed her forehead and rocked her gently. "Sweet girl," She murmured.

Lailah gripped her shirt and clung tightly to her body. "I not know where you are," She cried.

Vanessa hummed and carried her into the living room. Lailah loved her Aunt Eva, so she knew that seeing her would make her feel better.

"Look who it is, sweetie!" She said excitedly and handed Lailah to Eva.

Lailah gasped and hugged Eva tightly. "It's you!" Lailah squealed and kissed her cheek.

"Yeah! It is me! What's up with you?" Eva asked with the same joy as Lailah.

Lailah gripped her cheeks and squeezed them. "I go see daddy tomorrow!" She explained making Eva look at Vanessa.

'What?' She mouthed aggravated.

Vanessa grimaced and nodded. 'I couldn't say no,' She answered. She didn't want to tell Lailah that she couldn't see her father, no matter how rude he was.

Eva rolled her eyes and turned her attention back to Lailah. "How would you like to play dress-up?"

Lailah's eyes widened and she nodded rapidly. "Want to be a cookie monster!"

By Grace[BWWM]Where stories live. Discover now