Part 4 (The Party)

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Here we go,

With the raising heartbeats and it's unknown reason, Ram reached the hotel. He was about to step in thro' door with the hotel manager n some staff around, his heartbeats really went rapid. His heart was pounding against his chest.

He stopped at the entrance, composing himself n wiping off the newly formed sweat beads from his forehead. He thought to himself, "Why is that heart of mine throbbing loudly? Is this any sign?"

People around him gave him an questionable look, he told them, "My best friend is about to reach here, so I thought of waiting for him, can we wait here? It's just that he has been doing really hard work for getting this hotel deal and I don't want to step in without him."
Although he lied about the reason of stopping suddenly but he really appreciated Vikram's hardwork.

"Of course sir, we can wait here", the manager said with a smile on his face.

Luck was in his favour, as he finished saying those lines to the manager, there haulted Vikram's car and he stepped out with Neha on his side.

As usual the excited Neha hugged Ram n vikram did the same, n the trio entered in the hotel.

 As soon as they stepped in, Ram felt something unusual, maybe something good, again shrugging the thoughts he stood there.

 The manager led the way towards the party hall.
He was warmly welcomed with bouquets and some hand shakes. Same happened with Vikram.

Playing guitar with some soft music around in the hall, musicians were doing their work well.
The atmosphere was calm with some chit chat sounds.
These was more of a professional party so there was no disco party type music.

The manager informed Ram and Vikram, the staff is very happy with the new owner of the hotel as they didn't cut off any staff member rather increased the pay scale, so they themselves arranged a cake for these party and have a small surprise for you.

They came to the stage, centre of attraction, firstly the hotel staff members gave them individual bouquets n heartily thanked both of them. The other people present there turned up to them slowly shaking their hands with Ram n Vikram, greeting n congratulating them and this went on.....

Ram's thoughts were stuck on how n where to find Priya. Though he called up some of his sources to search for Priya's whereabouts, but Priya, being Priya wouldn't have left any hint of her whereabouts anywhere, he knew for sure. His heart sank thinking this.

He was just formally there with people but his mind was searching for plans and his heart was wandering around Priya.


Priya along with the trio came back to hotel after spending some time at lake side and garden.

Entering in the hotel she saw the actual lavish decoration for the party, This party must be thrown by a very rich person, she thought to herself.

Her heartbeats kept on raising as the time passed n as she went around the hotel party hall.

Far from the corner of the hall entrance, she saw flashes of cameras, media.
She panicked a bit, not wanting to be in radar of media, that too with Peehu and Khush. "These must be a party of really well known and rich people, the media is present over there, I don't think we should be here," said Priya. He assured her that we will leave in sometime.

The kids were thirsty n of course hungry too after the enjoyment so he took them to the food section. She assured him she will be fine if left alone for sometime.

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