"It's too much," he whimpers into his neck. "We don't have enough time. You're going to fuck me up for the rest of the day."

At this, he feels Yibo's shoulder slightly shake with amusement.

"I know, but if I don't take all I can now I'm definitely going to be fucked up until the next time I can see you."

Xiao Zhan's breathing is coming under control now, which means that some blood is beginning to flow back into his brain. He will be able to think in a few seconds so he just basks in Yibo until he can.

"Let's have breakfast," he says. "I think I need to eat something. I'll be stronger then."

"Alright," Yibo says, and places one last kiss on his lips.

It's not enough  Xiao Zhan thinks, and it's as though Yibo hears this because he bends his head even further and places yet another kiss on the small mole under his bottom lip. Then Yibo moves down to suck on his chin and by that point, Xiao Zhan is ready to throw all caution to hell and just fuck Yibo right there. To hell with all of their responsibilities and appointments.

But then Yibo draws away, and he feels the loss of his heat and scent like a splash of ice cold water.

It makes him shiver, and not till Yibo's hand closes around his does he realize that he has Yibo's shirt clutched in his fists.

"Let go," Yibo says in a lightly amused tone, but Xiao Zhan is reluctant.

"I'll go prepare our breakfast," he says quietly as though trying to convince Xiao Zhan of why it will be beneficial to let him go. "Finish washing up and come out alright? I'll be waiting."

With a sigh, Xiao Zhan finally lets him go and turns away.

He is facing the mirror now, but he can't look at himself until he feels Yibo's hand on his waist again. This time around however, he catches his wrist and pushes him away.

"No! Don't touch me. I need to breathe."

Yibo laughs out, and complies. "Now you know how I felt at your house."

Xiao Zhan shuts his eyes to recover, so he doesn't see as Yibo still leans forward and presses one last kiss against his cheek.

His eyes fly open in alarm, but Yibo is already backing away. His hands raised in the air. "I'm sorry," he lies, his eyes shining like the sun and his smile just as blinding.

"Go!" Xiao Zhan growls, and Yibo finally turns around to leave.

When the door shuts and he is alone, all Xiao Zhan can do at first is listen to the hard and rapid thumping of his heart in his chest. He inhales and exhales deeply, and at the bittersweet ache he feels, he cannot help but to clutch his chest.

He looks up then to gaze at his reflection in the mirror, and is almost taken aback by just how disheveled he is. His eyes are somewhat bloodshot and his hair is all over the place, his white shirt is rumpled from being grabbed and pulled, and his pants are riding low on his lips.

He looks like he has been assaulted, and at the thought it is hard not to feel sorry for himself.

Perhaps this was why he had resisted Yibo for so long and refused to even consider him. Perhaps it was because some part of him knew that Yibo was specifically created to take him apart.

With another sigh his head falls. He leans forward then, his hands gripping the edge of the vanity so that he can support his weight because his entire frame still feels like jelly.

He sights his toothbrush then... or rather Yibo's toothbrush, and is once again reminded of their limited time. It is quite possible now that their thirty minutes is already up but there is no announcement from Yibo. He doubts though that Yibo will say anything until he absolutely has to so that they can spend all of their time to the last second together. He also doubts that Yibo only has one tooth brush, because now that he can think properly he recalls that the last time he visited here he had requested one to brush his teeth with after their meal and Yibo had produced a brand new spare for him.

Winter Wind (YiZhan)Where stories live. Discover now