"Then-don't-go" Lizzie said

"Your no fun" Marlene said while crossing her arms.

"Whatever. Al do you think you can do the thing with the flowers in my hair?" Lizzie asked.

"Yea! of course we can do it on our free period" Alice answered

"Thanks Al"


It was time. Lizzie and Marlene were heading down to the quidditch pitch.

"Marlene i'm not playing" Lizzie informed her friend as that got out onto the pitch.


"Marlene everyone's staring at us shhh"


Lizzie just looked around and then rolled her eyes.

"You'll be fine Mar just do what everyone else is doing you've practiced with me before your not bad" Lizzie smiled

"Whatever" Marlene said looking away from her best friend and pouting. Lizzie just rolled her eyes.

Lizzie was now heading up to the stands to watch.

"STEVENSON" James called

"Yes?" Lizzie questioned

"Are you not trying out this year?" James asked

"Of course i am i just didn't wanna play today to much stress for tomorrow"

"Are you sure i did this today so i could see everyone at once and well too have fun it'll get your chances to be on the team higher"

"Really? How?" Lizzie said narrowing her eyes at the boy

"Well if i see you playing good while everyone else sucks it'll give you more of a chance" James said chuckling.

"Ok i'll play then"


Lizzie walked to the Gryffindor locker room and changed into her uniform she brought it down to convince Marlene she was playing.

"YOUR PLAYING!" Marlene said

"Yea,yea come on" Lizzie said grabbing Marlenes arm and pulling her to the rest of the group.

"Ok huddle up!" James said standing on a table

"Today you will be playing a game of quidditch now i'm sure we have more then 3 chasers 2 beaters 1 keeper and 1 seeker here today so we'll split into teams"

"For the first game Elise and Siruis beaters, Remus, Me, and Marlene Chasers, Peter keeper,Lizzie seeker" James said

James then made another team to go against them.

Lizzie and the rest of the team played the game. Lizzie was did really good. She caught the snitch after 5 minutes. The game had ended it was a good game. James' team had won.

"WOO HOO!" James screamed

"That was a really good game!" Lizzie said

Everyone was celebrating Marlene said she might've found a new hobby.

"I didn't know you played quidditch" Lizzie said to Remus forgetting what happened that night at the bonfire with all the stress she was under.

"I don't James just wanted me to play"

"Really? Your actually really good" Lizzie said

"Really? Oh i don't think so" Remus said rubbing the back of his neck

"Yea! you would do really well on the team and i'm sure you have an advantage being James' best friend"

"Thank you Lizzie you were really good too"

"Thanks" Lizzie smiled


I hope you enjoyed! I hate that i couldn't fit tryouts in here but that's alright. If you have any suggestions feel free to comment<3

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