" I'll go!" felix volunteered. everyone was suddenly interested once again. " ooh! felix!!" minho yelled.

" yongbok, just because I love you doesn't mean I'll go easy on you. so, truth or dare?" chan made sure to warn the aussie before proceeding.

felix pouted before making up his mind. " I'll go with, dare!". changbin made sure to listen in carefully.

" alright, I dare you to play seven minutes in heaven but you get to pick the person of your choice, right here, right now in that closet over there," chan motioned to the one that minho and him shared.

" if you mess up my part of that closet, you're not coming out of it again," minho glared towards felix. that threat, however, had been the least of felix's worries because of all that eyes that followed him.

" I- I get to choose?" chan nodded yes as he watched the nervous boy. felix didn't know if he should choose the obvious choice or not so obvious choice.

whatever, obvious choice it is. " I want, um," felix cleared his throat a bit before proceeding. " changbin hyung, would you like to go with me?"

changbin sat in a daze as he saw the younger turn towards him. " me?" he pointed a finger towards his chest. felix chuckled at his confused expression. " yes, you" .

felix got up and walked straight into the closet, too embarrassed to look back. changbin got up as well and smirked at the others. " not so ugly now, huh?" .

jisung cringed and pretended to gag at his comment. changbin remained unfazed as he made his way into the closet.

chan followed his steps until he made it to the door. " alright guys, timer starts now!". the door finally fell shut before the boys decided to continue on playing.

" since felix is, well, busy, I'll pick the next person,". everyone seemed fine with it and so chan scanned the room for his next big victim.

" seungmin! my favorite boy! oh, how the tables have turned huh?". seungmin glared but didn't complain since it was bound to happen anyway.

" you know the drill, truth or dare?"

seungmin contemplated a moment with going with dare, however, he'd rather not make out with anyone in this room. today, at least. [ wink - a. n ]

" I'll just go with truth," . chan didn't take long to respond which made it seem like he had it all planned out already.

" okay, seungmin, why don't you tell us about a special someone in your life?". seungmin furrowed his eyebrows, missing the main point of chan's request.

" special someone? what do you mean?" seungmin asked because he genuinely didn't understand the elder.

chan shrugged and said, " I don't know, is there anyone that's caught your eye recently?". hyunjin was already out of his seat, eager to hear what the other has to say.

' he may end up describing jeongin, or he may not. who knows'

seungmin already had a person in mind as they suddenly popped up the moment chan finished speaking. he made it seem like he had to think hard though.

" there is a person. I'm still confused about it but he's growing on me a bit too much. that's all you need to know" , seungmin stated, not wanting to reveal something that he himself hasn't confirmed yet.

jisung never missed a opportunity to be nosey. " oh come on, min, at least tell us what he looks like or even describe what he's like!"

everyone nodded, replying with yes and yeah's. seungmin sighed and held the bridge of his nose. " ugh, fine. I'm not mentioning any colored features".

it didn't seem like it bothered anyone and so seungmin continued. " well, he has dimples"


" he is someone really close to me and maybe that's why I don't want to tell you who that is"


" he's really sweet to me even when I'm the complete opposite to him. he's just so delicate and kind that sometimes I want to punch him,". chan stared concerning towards him.

" seungmin, that's just your love language. I'd recommend hugs though". seungmin ignored his comment because he knew that even if he wanted to, he could never hurt this person.

" he's pretty tall, not gonna lie. taller than me even"

hyunjin paused for a second. 'jeongin's not taller than him, right? I need to look into that later' , he noted to himself.

" oh! and he gives the best hugs. now, can we continue? I'm starting to sound like a teenage girl,". minho snorted at his comment. " I mean, we are at a sleepover, aren't we?"

" chan hyung, how much time is left for those two?," jeongin pointed towards the closet. chan looked down at his phone screen before turning back. " about five minutes and ten seconds".

jeongin gave him a thumbs up before settling down once again. seungmin had the chance to pick someone new and he knew exactly who.

" jeongin, are you ready?" jeongin took a deep breathe in. " why me?" seungmin shrugged and smiled. " changbin hyung is in the closet. I can't force him out of there".

jeongin rolled his eyes but motioned for the other to continue. " truth or dare?" . seeing what seungmin did to chan not too long ago, he didn't want to risk seeing what dare meant so he went the " safe " route.

" truth" jisung sighed. " you guys are so boring. you'd choose dare right, minho?" minho smiled softly at him. " of course, sweetie". at this point, minho sat comfortably next to jisung without realizing that he moved at all.

hyunjin cringed at them. he wanted what they had so badly, but all he could do is pretend to hate it until he had it.

" have you ever had a one nightstand before?"

at this point, hyunjin was so confused. why would seungmin want to know if jeongin's been with other people. isn't that a touchy topic?

what jeongin replied had connected so many dots in hyunjin's head.


ignore any typos - a.n

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