"It took you all that time just to tell her to unlock the door" I questioned slightly annoyed. "First of all, it was only five minutes with your impatience ass and second you know she text back slow" he explained. "Okay I'll give you that" I shrugged. I walked up to the door and Key was trudging slowly behind me. "Key cmon what are you doing back there" I stated Turing around. "Minding my business" he defend. "Can you cmon please I'm ready to go" I sighed irritated. "Okay Kay" he winked at me. "See what I did there with the okay and you know your name Kay-" he started explaining before I cut him off.

"PLEASE STOP TALKING KESHAWN" I stated firmly. "Yes ma'am" he agreed backing off. He opened the door and let me walk in first then he walked in behind me. "It's so damn dark in here what is she sleeping or something" I questioned. "Mmm" Key hummed shrugging his shoulders cluelessly. "Just hit the lights Key" I scoffed annoyed as hell at this point. "As you wish" he said cutting on the light switch.

"SURPRISE" They all shouted. I jumped  into Keshawn's arm startled til I looked and saw the many familiar loving faces. Then I looked around and saw all my favorite foods on tables set up everywhere and a big gift table to the left of me. "Awwww guys" I cooed. "You didn't seriously think we weren't going to do anything for your EIGHTEENTH birthday did you" Daij asked. "Okay well I wasn't expecting this" I admitted starting to tear up. "Girl don't ruin your makeup" TiTi warned blowing my eyes and fanning them. I laughed at her silliness before turning around to Key. "And you were in on it Keshawn" I exclaimed. Playfully hitting him while smiling. "Of course I was,  I know you didn't think they could've done all this without me" he said grinning. "Thank you Key" I gushed hugging him. "Cmon Kay you know it ain't no thang" he laughed hugging me back.

I let go of him and turned to everybody who was still grouped together. "LET'S PARTY" I shouted. "Ayee" they all cheered then dismembered each going to do their own thing.
I walked over to the deviled egg tray and grabbed one. I started to get another before Key walked in my direction with a girl. "Look at you being fat already" he teased. "Boy leave me alone" I defended. "Anyways Kayla this is Patience, Patience this is Kayla" he introduced. "Oh my god hii I've been trying to get him to introduce me to you forever" I told her. "Same here it's nice to finally meet you Keisha, your really pretty" she complemented. "It's Kayla babes but you can just call me Kay and thank you girl you are too" I corrected and then complimented her.

"Like you fine fine, look if you ever start getting bored with Key just hit me up ok mama" I stated flirting a little. I was half joking, half serious, and a little tipsy. But shit she bad as hell and I'm single. "Haha for sure" she giggled agreeing. "Hollup what you mean for sure, Kay stop tryna flirt with my girl" Keshawn said offended. "I'm not trying Key" I reassured him. "I am" I stated taking her hand and caressing it while looking her up and down hungrily. Damn she fine I thought to myself. "Aye Aye Aye ain't nun ah dat" he declared taking her hand from me.

"KAYY" Daija yelled from a distance. "I gotta go see what Daij want but it was nice meeting you mamas, I hope y'all enjoy yourselves" I told them winking at Patience. "You better get your freaky ass on" Keshawn warned me. I walked off to go see what Daija wanted laughing.

Keshawn's pov 🖤🔑
"Well you meet her" I sighed rubbing my temples. Kayla better not fuck my girl I thought to myself. She seemed like she was playing but knowing her crazy ass she meant some of what she said lowkey.
"She's cool or whatever" Patience mumbled shrugging off my statement. The fuck. I though to myself, wasn't she just on a whole different type of time with Kay. Now she acting like she don't like her when a second ago she was a giggly calling her cute and shit.

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