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The further into the ocean the ship went, the more it hurt for me to have made my decision.

But it was the only way. If we didn't do it now, Godzilla would just kill more people later. We'd only be delaying the inevitable.

I was sitting next to Oobleck as we went.

"I know this wasn't an easy decision," Oobleck said. "I don't want to do this either."

"Yeah," I said. "I just wish I could really see him again."

"Me too," Oobleck said. "He was a good student. But he's forced our hand."

"So," I said. "What are you going to do, since the Oxygen Destroyer is about to be revealed to the world?"

He looked down at his briefcase, which had a much bigger Oxygen Destroyer inside.

"I... I won't have to do anything," he said.

"What do you mean?" I asked, confused.

"You'll see," he said.

Then, the boat slowed to a stop, and Ozpin walked onto the deck.

"We're here," he said.

I looked to Oobleck.

"Here comes the hard part," Oobleck said, standing up.

He walked over to the front of the boat.

I stayed behind, thinking about what was about to happen. We were really going to kill (Y/N). I wouldn't get to have that future with him. But I had to keep convincing myself: it was better this way.

I stood up, and I followed Oobleck to Ironwood.

"We're getting a diving suit ready," Ironwood said.

"Good," Oobleck said.

I came to a decision, and I stood next to Oobleck.

"I'm going with him," I said.

Oobleck looked down to me. "No you're not! You have no diving experience!"

"I don't care!" I said. "I have to go down there! Besides, there's no way I'm letting you go down to see a giant monster without some help."

He sighed. "Fine. It's not like I can stop you anyway." He looked to Ironwood. "Prepare another diving suit!"

A few minutes later, Oobleck and I were in diving suits, with cords tied around our waists in case we needed a quick escape.

I sat down at the edge of the boat with Oobleck, putting my goggles and underwater breathing device on, while Oobleck stared at his Oxygen Destroyer.

"I never thought I'd have to reveal it like this," he said.

I understood his fear for what would happen afterwards. I was scared of how people would take advantage of his research myself. But we had to do this. It was the only thing we could do.

We dived off the boat, and made our way to the ocean floor. The descent was slow, and it was killing me. I couldn't stand the fact that I was going with Oobleck to kill (Y/N), and I wasn't sure how long I could accept that this had to happen. But I knew it did, and I didn't have a choice in the matter.

As we went down, I could see Godzilla sleeping on the ocean floor. It hurt to see him, knowing (Y/N) was in there, and I had to kill him. But I was starting to get used to the pain.

Then, Godzilla opened his eyes, and looked directly at us. He snarled, and started to get up.

We finally landed on the ocean floor, and looked up as Godzilla slowly picked himself up to his feet, and glare down at us.

Oobleck and I stared up at him. I wasn't sure about Oobleck, but I felt no fear looking up at him. All I felt was sadness and regret.

Then, to my surprise, I felt Oobleck tugging on the line meant to pull me up. He was signaling the others in the boat to pull me back up.

Unable to do anything, I watched in complete shock as I was pulled away from Oobleck. I wanted to call out to him, but the underwater breathing device kept me from being able to say anything.

As I passed Godzilla, I could see him glaring at me. I could see hatred and rage in his eyes as he bared his teeth at me, and I knew he recognized me.

But before he could do anything, Oobleck tossed a rock at his leg. It didn't do any damage, obviously, but it caught his attention.

Godzilla looked down at Oobleck, growling.

Soon, I made it back to the top, and everyone was looking down at me.

"What happened?" Yang asked. "Why'd you pull so early?"

"I didn't!" I shouted. "Oobleck did it!"

"But why would he...?" Weiss started, before she started to realize what he was planning.

I climbed the ladder to the boat.

"Pull him up!" I said, looking back down into the water.

Then, to my horror, I saw bubbles coming up to the surface. Oobleck had triggered the Oxygen Destroyer!

"Do it!" I shouted. "Pull him up!"

They started to pull the line up, trying to get Oobleck out of the water before the Oxygen Destroyer could kill him.

But when the line came up, we stared in horror and sadness as we realized he'd cut his line.

I finally understood his plan. He didn't want the world to use his device, so he was getting rid of all the notes on how to create it. Including the notes in his head.

I started tearing up as the situation started to sink in.

Suddenly, Godzilla burst out from the ocean, roaring in pain.

He looked directly at me, and I could see the pain and sadness in his eyes. I couldn't take it. I started tearing up. I was watching the person I loved most die right before my eyes, and it was more than I could bear.

"I'm sorry," I whimpered.

Godzilla's eyes softened, and he looked at me with sad, heartbroken, yet loving eyes. And I knew, for a split second, (Y/N) was really there.

Then, he reared up, and let out a screaming roar.


He began sinking back into the ocean, fading from view for the last time.

I watched in complete shock. It all happened so fast. I could barely process any of it.

He was gone. He was really gone.

I bent over, and broke down sobbing. (Y/N) was dead, and the only one who understood him like I did sacrificed himself for all of Remnant.

My teammates walked over to me, and pulled me into a hug.

"It's okay," Yang said. "It's over."

I sobbed into her chest, as my other friends held us tight.

The people on the ship stared out into the ocean, paying their respects to Doctor Oobleck.

And that was the last time I saw (Y/N).

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