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He never deserved any of it.

Those words have echoed in my mind ever since it happened. Ever since he first started being bullied. Ever since he was imprisoned. Ever since he transformed. Ever since he was hunted. Ever since he was killed.

I loved him. I loved him more than anything. I loved him since the first time I'd seen him.

I can still remember every detail of that day. An announcement came over the speakers saying we had to go to the auditorium.

I still remember debating with my team about what it could be. Weiss thought it was some sort of new project the entire school had to do. Blake thought it might be a new threat. Yang hoped it would be some sort of new field trip, though we all agreed that most likely wouldn't be the case.

I just hoped it would be something good.

We were part of the huge crowd in the auditorium, our voices drowned out by everyone else talking over one another.

Finally, Ozpin stepped onto the stage, with Glynda suspiciously close to him. I remember joking with my team about how they might be announcing a relationship. But that wasn't the case.

"I'm sure you're all curious what this is all about," Ozpin said. "So allow me to ease your confusion."

He and Glynda stepped aside, and that was the first time I'd ever seen him. I was immediately intrigued. His (H/C) hair, his (E/C) eyes, his long tail, everything about him caught my interest.

"This is (Y/N) (L/N)," Ozpin continued. "As you can tell, he is a faunus. But he is a very special faunus. He is the last Godzilla faunus to exist. They are a dangerous species of faunus that can destroy entire civilizations. I want (Y/N) here to live a happy life, and use his abilities to help the innocent. So, I'm assigning him to a team. It is up to you to decide if you want him on your team. All who want (Y/N) on your team, raise your hand."

The results were sad to say the least.

There were only three teams that rose their hands: JNPR, CFVY, and mine. But even JNPR and CFVY didn't all want him. Ren and Jaune didn't raise their hands, and only Velvet raised her hand.

Everyone else in the auditorium didn't raise their hands. They were confused, scared, or disgusted by him. I could hear Cardin and his team silently mocking him, and it made me sick.

The only team that had every member raising their hands was mine. Weiss was intrigued by him, though she wasn't intrigued the way I was. She just wanted to learn more about (Y/N)'s species. Blake wanted to give him an appropriate home. She was a faunus herself, and she knew he'd probably get the most discrimination for how rare his species was. Yang was just trying to be nice. Not in a bad way, she genuinely wanted to have a new friend to hang out with. Plus she wanted to try training with him. My hand was the highest. I wanted him on my team, and I wanted to get to know him. That was why we were picked.

Ozpin saw that my team was the only one where every member wanted him, and thought we were best for him. So, everyone else was dismissed, and (Y/N) was brought to the main office to be assigned to our team.

I was ecstatic. I couldn't wait to get to know him. I couldn't wait to learn more about his species, and what he himself was like.

Later that day, he came into our dorm, looking super nervous. I was the first to get to him. I still regret how I talked to him.

"Hi!" I said, and continued in one breath. "I'm Ruby Rose! I'm the leader of Team RWBY! And before you ask, yes that causes some confusion. You're name is (Y/N), right?! You're a Godzilla faunus?! What's a Godzilla?! What's up with those fins on your back?! You're so cool!"

I guess I shouldn't have rushed him. I already knew by the way he stood on the stage, and by the way he walked into the room that he was shy.

But, for some reason, he didn't seem to mind. If anything, my rushing, energetic attitude seemed to make him feel welcome. I could see him smile, and I could hear him chuckle.

I smiled at that. It was nice to see him look happy, instead of nervous.

"Hi," he said. "Nice to meet you. I know, Ozpin told me. I bet it does. Yes, my name is (Y/N). Yes, I'm a Godzilla faunus. A Godzilla is an ancient creature that used to exist in Remnant. Some would defend Remnant, others would try to destroy it. The fins are one of my faunus traits. Thank you."

All our minds were blown. Mine especially. Nobody ever understood me when I spoke in one breath like that.

"Y-You understood all that?" I said.

"I did," he said.

"W-Well, it's nice to meet you too," I said. "I'd introduce the others, but I think you already know who they are."

He looked over to the others, and he seemed to get even more nervous.

"U-Uh, yeah," he stuttered. "Weiss Schnee, Blake Belladonna, and Yang Xiao Long."

"That's right," I said.

"Nice to meet you," Yang said. "I'm Ruby's older sister."

"Y-You are?" he said.

"Well, half-sister," Yang corrected.

"Oh," he said.

"So," Weiss said, walking up to him. "I hope you don't mind explaining what a Godzilla faunus is, and the history behind it? I've been intrigued since the announcement."

"M-Maybe later," (Y/N) said.

Blake shoved Weiss aside. "Ignore her. It's nice to meet you."

"T-Thanks," (Y/N) said. "It's nice to meet you guys too."

I stepped up in front of him. "Are you okay? You seem... scared."

"J-Just a little shy," he said. "It's been a while since I've interacted with anyone. I've been alone for years."

I still remember feeling bad. Nobody deserved to be alone. And from the first impressions I got, he especially didn't deserve it.

I hugged him.

"You won't need to be alone anymore," I said. "We're here. We will always be here. And we will always be your friends."

It took a moment, but he eventually hugged back. I still wonder if he was blushing. Then, Yang joined in. A little bit after, Blake joined the hug, and Weiss afterwards.

It was a happy memory for a while, but now it just makes my heart ache. But then, that's just the case with every memory of him nowadays.

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