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I am not exaggerating when I say this was the worst night of my life.

It was the most heartbreaking, the most terrifying, the most tragic experience I've ever had to go through. The lengths (Y/N) went to for revenge, and the fact that he tried to kill me, and killed even more innocent people. It's a night that I, and everyone else in Vale, will never forget.

Godzilla was seen making his way towards land, slowly rising from the water the closer he got. Unlike last time, where the military immediately opened fire, this time, they waited. The electrical lines were built to keep him out, and if things went according to plan, they would.

Godzilla took his first couple steps onto land, and took a look at the electrical lines. Having been a part of the human world before, he knew exactly what they were.

As we watched Godzilla look at the electrical lines, all of us had our questions. Was he going to leave? Was he going to test it? Was he going to find a way around? Was he just going to bust through? Would it even work?

Then, to our surprise, Godzilla stepped into the electrical lines. I still remember jumping in fear as I heard the sound of the electricity shocking him. But, other than a frustrated growl, he showed no signs of pain.

The military opened fire, and everyone prayed their missiles combined with the electricity surging through Godzilla's body would kill him.

And though I had my hopes, a part of me hoped it wouldn't work. I still loved him. I just hoped that if he didn't die, he'd leave. I hated what he was doing.

But Godzilla showed no signs of quitting. He swung his arms at the electrical towers, knocking them down. But he was still somewhat tangled in the electrical wires, and he swung his tail back, smashing another tower.

Then, he did something that still horrifies me to this day.

I looked to his back, and those dorsal fins I used to find intriguing started glowing (F/C). He opened his mouth, and I could see a (F/C) glow in his throat, making its way out of his body.

Suddenly, a (F/C) ray blasted from his mouth, destroying the other towers as it hit them.

My jaw dropped as I started to realize how powerful Godzilla really was. He looked down at the people below, and let out a deafening roar.

There was no defending Vale now.

I remembered my objective, and, as Godzilla made his way through Vale, smashing buildings, trampling civilians, and burning both with his (F/C) ray, I ran through the streets, calling out for Emi.

"Emi!" I called. "Emi Lectrie!"

As I ran out of the sidewalk and into the streets, I was nearly knocked over by the stampede fleeing civilians.

Godzilla stormed downtown, blasting buildings with his (F/C) ray. A couple staff and students still in the kingdom blasted at him. Their weapons had no effect, obviously, and he looked down to them, baring his teeth.

He spewed his (F/C) ray, burning them to a crisp.

"Emi!" I called, as an explosion occurred nearby. "Emi Lectrie!"


I turned, and I an adult woman someone looking in my general direction.

"Did someone call me?!" she yelled.

I ran to her. "Are you Emi Lectrie?!"

She looked at me. "Yes."

"Do you know a Y/N Lectrie?" I asked.

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