Meeting Momochi Zabuza

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His eyes crinkled as he turned to his students. "I will never let my comrades die!" team seven's faces flushed in embarrassment and admiration "I wouldn't bet on that." Like out of thin air Zabuza appeared behind Sasuke and Sakura, and in front of Tazuna "Game over." Kakashi just as fast as Zabuza appeared and blocked the sword. A single drop hit the floor from a kunai stinking out from Zabuza. "Sensei!! behind you!!" Crumpling the body in front of Kakashi turned into water. As soon as the water hit the ground the sword of Zabuza sliced through the silver-headed man revealing the water copy of Kakashi.  Appearing behind Zabusa, Kakashi healed up a kunai to his throat "Don't move... Game over."

"Awesome!" Naruto jumped around and Sakura let out a relieved laugh. "Heh... Do you think it's over? You just don't get it. it will take more to defeat me than mimicking me like an ape. A lot more." Clutching the kunai harder he became more alert. "Heh-heh but you are good! In that short amount of time, you duplicated my water doppelganger technique." 

'I will never let my comrades die'

"And by making your clone say something you'd have said yourself. You ensured all my attention would be focused on it. While you yourself used the Kirigakure technique of hiding in the mist, watching my every move!... Too bad for you. I am not that easy to fool!" Zabuza swung his sword at Kakashi and he dropped to the floor. grabbing the handle of his sword Zabuza swung around and kicked Kakashi to the side and into the water. Grounding himself he pulled up his sword and ran toward the water. Stopping suddenly we could see small spikes on the ground separating the two men. "Sensei!"  

"Foolishness!" Flickering behind Kakashi he did a series of hand signs and brought his hand down. "Art of the water prison!" water wrapped around him creating a sphere securing him in place. "Heheheh that prison is inescapable. You're trapped! You running around free makes it too hard for me to do my job." The water left on the ground formed and rose as a water clone. "I'll finish you later after I've dealt with all the others."

"Heh-heh-heh Little ninja wannabe. Trying so hard to fit in, you even wear a Hitai-ate headband. But a true ninja is one who has crossed and recrossed the barrier between the lands of the living and the dead. Clothes don't make a shinobi. you need skills good enough to rate a listing in my bingo book of enemies before you deserve to be called ninja. We don't call your kind 'ninja' we call them..." vanishing he prepared in front of Naruto landing a kick and sending him flying backward losing his headband in the process. "Naruto!"


"Everyone, listen! take Tazuna and go!!! It's a fight you can't win!!! If he wants to hold me in this water prison, he can't leave this place. If his water clone gets more than a certain distance away from his real body he loses control of it. So get out of here!" Naruto crawled back toward the group staggering slightly as he stared down at his wrapped hand. Memories of his promise flooded his mind along with memories of Sasuke's taunts, Y/n, and his old sensei as he turned to look toward Zabuza.  

With a burst of energy, Naruto stood up and dashed at Zabuza with a war cry. Shouts of fear, protest, and surprise were heard from his teammates and teacher. A thud was heard as Zabuza's foot connected with Naruto making him skid back. Shuffling he grunted as he tried to stand up. "What were you thinking, tackling him by yourself! You think your so cool, but genin like us Can't..." Stopping in surprise Sakura and Sasuke stared at Naruto. E/c eyes shifted down to his bandaged hand that was holding his Hitai-ate leaf headband slightly impressed he managed to get it in the short window he was close to it. Humming her gaze shifted back to the rouge ninja clone in front of them.

"Hey... You... What's life like without eyebrows, freak?" Huffing, small droplets trickled down his chin, dropping to the ground. "Got a new listing for your bingo book right here!! A guy who is going to be the next lord Hokage of Konohagakure village." Smiling he tied the headband around his head "Uzumaki Naruto! Konoha-school ninja!" The shock was displayed on the faces of the adults and a tick mark formed on Zabuza's forehead. 

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