"Argh! I'm gonna kill the both of you!" Ryker yelled coming in for the next swing. Tooth-less shot at Ryker though knocking the sword from his grasp. "I would leave now or else. And tell Viggo he's never going to find the gold," I said. Ryker looked around and saw that he was pretty much beat. Being smart for once he ran, but not before grabbing the skinny sword that Kai uses.

I turned to Kai who was clutching his thigh and I cursed when I saw his swollen ankle.

"Flame, I need to go back to Flame," Kai said hissing when he tried moving his ankle. "No your staying out I'll send Heather to watch her while I get you some medicine and," I began. "Take me too Flame!" Kai demands loudly. Tooth-less growls at his tone so he softens his voice. "Please take me to her. If they were looking for the gold they would have fanned out on the island please I need to go to her to know she's alright she can help me her fire can heal me," Kai said. He must be delusional from the pain, but if it gets him calm enough to help him then it could not hurt right? "Fine," I gave in.

Tooth-less helped me get him on his back and we both took flight right as the others made sure the hunter ships had left. "Kai's injured Fish-legs go get medical supplies, Astrid Heather you check the rest of the island and make sure no hunters are left, Snot-lout, twins, you come with us in case some hunters already found Flame," I said.

They all nodded and we flew off into the directions. When we got to the cave Kai had covered with bushes we walked in and heard a loud roar that made the other dragons roar and Hook-fang set himself on fire. Coming into the moonlight we saw that Flame was awake and her eyes glowed like fire. She saw Kai on Tooth-less back and roars again. "Look hey we don't want trouble our friend is coming with medical supplies he will be fine," I said.

"Umm Hiccup I think we should go so this crazy dragon doesn't decide to I don't know kill us!" Snot-lout shouts in his shrill voice. Flame edges closer to us and sniffed my hair as I stood still trying not to look like a threat. The giant red dragon looked over at Kai.

"Flame help....." Kai pleads weakly and I just noticed how much blood he must have lost by now. I gravely realize it was a mistake bringing him here instead of just fixing his injuries at the edge. I looked back at his dragon just as she opened her mouth and fired.

Kai's POV

Flame's well flames passed over us and I gasp in relief. As anyone knows I am reckless so after I had gotten badly hurt in one of my reckless 'Kai moments' as my family calls them Flame had used her special flames to heal me. I discovered that Flame had two types of flames I knew of. There was normal fire, but then there was this healing fire that was a soothing cold as it went over you and healed your wounds.

The fire went out once your wounds were dealt with.

I heard screaming and looked seeing that those twins and Snot-lout were screaming with all the fire on them. Hiccup was stuck in shock looking at his flaming hand. "Am I dead?" He asks and I laughed as he looked at me. "No not yet anyway. Flame is a special dragon. Along with her unique scales she has two types of fire one that burns and one that," I stood up on my two legs as the fire slowly dies down. "Heals," I finished looking over that the other who were looking at their bodies as it healed scars. Same went for Hiccup as a small scar on his cheek was healed. Flame came over and nuzzled me in a hug. "Yeah I love you too," I said to her.

Fish-legs arrived and quickly hopped off Meat-lug and was soon followed by Astrid and Heather. "Okay Hiccup I got the bandages and," Fish-legs stopped in his tracks when he noticed my ankle was on fire. "Hiccup!" Astrid yelled. "I know I know Fish-legs, but come here," Hiccup soothes. Flame was weary of the new people. "It's okay Flame show them please," I said and she blew a smaller flame. It landed at Fish-legs feat and was a beautiful purple flame that gave no heat. Fish-legs watched in awe as saw the flame grow a small flower. He bent down and giggles in excitement when he could touch it.

A Viking Chief's twinsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें