Without another thought, he takes my hand poking at his chest and pulls me closer, placing a slight kiss on my lips, catching me by surprise.

"I bought this for you," he says, pulling something out from a plastic bag I haven't even noticed when he first came. A heavenly smell comes from it and I take a deep whiff.

"Soba? You didn't have to," I say, pretending that my stomach isn't begging me to take it. He shakes his head and places the plastic bag in my hands. For a moment, we both glare at each other, daring the other to refuse. After a second of tension, I sigh and take the bag from him.

"I was planning to watch the movie on my computer. We'll probably watch it on the beanbag," I say, gesturing at the plush bag in the corner of my room. On our way, I take a fluffy blanket and drag it along with me.

We make ourselves comfortable. I wrap our bodies in the blanket, one corner wrapped around my head like a cocoon. I begin to dig into the hot soba Shoto got me.

"Have you heard of A Silent Voice?" I ask through a full mouth, scrolling through the movies on my laptop. By Shoto's furrowed brows, I assume his answer is no. "Let's watch it. It's super good, but I can't remember any of the characters' names except for Sho-ya."

I flinch as I shift forward to start the movie.

"Are you alright?" Shoto asks, eyeing me with concern.

I wave a careless hand. "Yeah. Training was hell, that's all."

"Where does it hurt?"

"Hmm? What do you mean? What are you going to do?"

"Just tell me."

"Well... mostly my stomach, and my back, and my arms and legs as well. Everywhere, I suppose," I say, still confused as of what he is attempting to do. I snuggle up close to his left shoulder, his heat instantly making me want to come closer. "But probably my back and shoulders the most," I conclude.

As the movie starts, his hand slowly moves from my waist to my back, and I can feel the heat from his hand grow hotter. I sigh in relief, melting into his arms, as the pain seems to ebb away at his touch.

"You always seem to know where it hurts..." I mumble.

Don't let me go.

Slight A Silent Voice spoiler here, sorry!! If you haven't watched the movie yet maybe watch it and come back to this episode later... or just know about the spoilers, idc.


"So... so he didn't die?" Shoto asks quietly, his eyes glued to the screen. His hand that had been relax around my shoulders tenses up.

"Yeah. He tried to save Shoko just when she was about to jump, and instead took her place instead."

(Just for readers who haven't watched the movie yet, the story follows a boy who tries to make amends to a deaf girl for bullying her in elementary school. Near the end, the girl tries to commit suicide but the boy pulls her back, resulting in him falling instead. If you haven't watched it 10/10 would recommend.)

"I would've tried to save you too, even if it meant sacrificing myself."

I pause the movie, his words unable to reach my head. I turn to him, the computer casting a glow on his face. Even in the dim room, his face is as angelic as ever, the light accentuating his face.

"What? What do you mean?" I say, my voice dropping low.

"If I had gotten to you just a few seconds too late, I would have switched places with you."

Don't let me go. (Todoroki x oc)Where stories live. Discover now