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6 months later,

As the Future King, Edward was being busy with his subjects. But he never left me alone. "You're the Future Queen... You also should know how these things work..." I always went with him to visit his subjects.

I never thought a timid,shy person like me will get so much love and care from the society. People of our Kingdom care about me so much, they never hesitate to listen to me. I know Edward's is being so proud of me... He keeps telling me that I've improved a lot. I daily receives bouquet of flowers and baskets of sweets from my beloved people. I have fallen in love with everything in here...

Few weeks ago my friend Katie and her family visited us. They were so happy for us.

So far things were going well despite of few crimes. My Edward considers me as his adviser. For every situation, I'm the one who helps him to solve the riddles.

Today was a bright sunny day. I felt bit lazy to wake up. Usually I'm the one who gets up first. I saw him waking up and heading towards the bathroom.

When he was approaching towards me, I quickly closed my eyes to pretend that I'm still sleeping. He leaned forward to my face. He was so close that I was about to melt from his warm breath. His nose touched my left ear. It was super ticklish that I couldn't stop saying " Hey, you're tickling me..." Then I realized that I've been caught up. "Hee hee hee... You couldn't fool me.... Gotcha..." He gently bit my ear. "Get up you lazy girl... Father has ordered us to come..." I quickly jump out of the bed and went to the bathroom.

After we both got dressed, we went to see His Majesty. He welcomed us with a warm smile. I was wondering if we're having a special occasion today. Nothing came to my mind. The King was surrounded by his 16 knights. The King saw me and again gave me a smile. Then he began to address his son.

"I was ruling my beloved Kingdom for 30 years. It's being a long period of time. I'm getting older and older, my mind frequently reminds me to take a break. I couldn't... Till I'm fully satisfied with my son. I wanted him to learn about his subjects. Finally I'm satisfied. I want you to be the Future King of this Kingdom, whom Every single citizen wanted to have as their ruler..."

Then His Majesty turned to me.

"You're my son's perfect choice. You proved us that you're totally worthy of being my son's wife... You're the Future Queen of our beloved Kingdom... I hope you will be the gentle and promising Queen of our Land, whom Every single citizen wanted to have as their First Lady..."

"Yes... I will... My Father... I promise to do my best, to do my duty to my Jesus and My Beloved Kingdom, to help my citizens all the time and to live by the Kingdom's Law..." I confessed.

"That's my daughter..." He said.

"Father, I will be the King... Whom you always wished to have... " My prince saluted the King.

I suddenly felt that I'm about to puke. So I asked Edward to join the breakfast with his Father and quickly went to the bathroom...

After vomiting, I thought of doing a rapid pregnancy test, just in case. My gut told me that I might be pregnant with his child.
When I checked it, I found out that my gut feeling was right...


I was so happy after finding out that I'm about to be a mother.

But at the same time I was bit terrified.

How will he react??

I thought of keeping this as a secret till the Coronation.
In the evening, at the royal garden, Edward and I crowned as The King and The Queen of Netherlands. We decided to organize a Ball for every citizen of our Land. Everyone was having a great time.

As soon as we both entered to our chamber, after having the dinner, I took my King's hands.

"There's something I need to tell you..." He looked into my eyes.

"Tell me my love... When did I ask you to grant permission from me to listen you??"

"I'm afraid you'll blame me..." I was trembling with fear.

"Come here my sweetheart... Now tell me..." He took me onto his lap.

"I'm pregnant..." I said. My voice was barely audible.

"Darling... You aren't joking right??" He stood up in such a hurry. I nearly fell down.

"No..." I hid my face.

"Darling..." He lifted up my Chin.

"Why are looking worried?? You have no idea how happy I am... This is a cause of an anonymous celebration... What a day!!! " He gently started to kiss me.

"I thought you'd be mad at me..." I slowly replied.

"My Queen..." He hugged me tightly. "I love you so much... I can't imagine a life without you... You're doing so much to me..."

Then he started to rub my breasts gently.

"Hey... What do you think you're doing??"

"Today's a great day... I wanna feel you more..." He didn't stop.

"Look there.." I pointed at the wall. As soon as he turned to look back I escaped.

"Hey... You little brat..." He was faster than me. So I again caught up to him.

"I'm going to be a mother... Give me some space. Also I should dedicate myself for our children..."

"Still you're only mine... They're on their way..." He was acting as if he's disappointed.

"I'm leaving for another woman... I'm The King..so it won't be that hard..." His voice was harsh. He was about to leave.

Poor me... He again caught me.

I ran towards him and hugged him from the back.

"Don't you dare say that again with me... I won't let you go... I command you to stay... If you leave me again... I know what I'm going to do..."

He turned back to me.

"I knew you were coming..." He smirked at me and took my face. I was nearly crying.

" Of course I'm not leaving you... How can I live without you?? You're the only reason I'm still alive... I don't need other women... My heart beats only for you... I was just kidding... Don't cry my darling... Sorry for hurting you... "

I placed my head on his chest.

I felt his heart, Racing with excitement.

"I'll be gentle this time..." He whispered.

"You always win..." I giggled.

Soon after his juicy lips touched mine, he carried me to the bed while chuckling....

You were so right mom... I found my EVERYTHING... How Can I be more happier??

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