Chapter Three

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The Sir Maximus Ward was a 5-storey building. Similar to those around it in architecture, the main difference was the height. It was distinctly the tallest building on site. Every window was in line, arched with carved frames. Some had curtains shut, delicate sheets of fabric that blocked out the blinding light of the afternoon. The trio entered through a pair of colossal frosted glass doors. Inside the building, there were 5 doorways on either side of the hall, and at the end, a staircase leading downstairs, and another leading upstairs. Heading upstairs, Aelia's mouth gaped as she looked around. Her new home. Somewhere she belonged, because this time, there really were people like her.

Once they had reached the landing of the third floor, Aelia bounded forwards, spreading her arms out.

"Looks like someone's excited," Jaspa drawled out sarcastically.

"You try being somewhere you've never been before. It's like being in a completely new world!" She hinted, making sure he didn't miss the double meaning in her words, just in case others were within earshot.

Scanning across the room, Aelia's eyes caught on a golden 9 on the far wall, nearby to another set of double glass doors, leading out to a balcony. When she reached her dorm, she was uncertain how to open it. There was no handle and it didn't budge even as she pushed it with all her might. Leilani found humour in Aelia's efforts and crossed her arms to lean back against the wall and watch.

"How do I get in?" Aelia grunted.

"Put your index finger right... here," Jaspa pointed to a small indent in the door where the handle should have been, "It'll scan your fingerprint. If any of us were to try that, let's say we'd get a bit of a shock. We'll wait out here for you."

Pressing her finger into the scanner, Aelia felt a slight, buzz and heard a click. The door slid open, revealing a dorm room with three single beds. They each had a white waffle quilt, and a pillow. At the end of the room was another door, this time with a handle. Aelia wandered over to it, grasped the handle and pushed it forwards. A small bathroom was inside, with a bath, shower, toilet and a 2-person vanity.

After quickly using the bathroom, she emerged, a gaping smile on her face, astounded by the magnificence of the dorm. Seeing a bed with nothing beside it except a clean, folded towel, Aelia claimed it as her own. It was on the end closest to the hallway, and had a plain dresser at the end of it for all her stuff. She checked inside, and sure enough as the Headmaster had told her, there was anything she could possibly need. Taking a pair of black leggings and a white camisole, she quickly changed out of what she realised were pretty wrecked clothes. She took a pair of shoes that looked similar to her converse, and put those on as well. Exiting the room, she quickly redid her long ponytail, tying it low and smiled at Jaspa and Leilani who had been talking.

"Finally. It's almost dinner you took so long!" Jaspa groaned, and Aelia could tell he was exaggerating.

Rolling her eyes with a smirk, she started heading towards the staircase, to go outside. She wasn't exactly sure how, but she wanted to talk to people and get to know them, especially before her classes the next day. Aelia deeply inhaled the floral scents of spring, and led her friends over to an oval, where people were playing a game. It wasn't anything she recognised.

They held long bats and hit a ball through the air, eventually making a goal in a round hoop that stood at the end. It seemed pretty simple, even if some people did look a bit banged up after the rough game.

"Want to join in?" A short boy offered. He was pretty young, with an innocent face and chubby cheeks.

"That we will," Leilani shook the boy's hand, "If you could just get us some kloves that would be perfect!"

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